VE License Server Software Deinstallation

VE License Server Software Deinstallation

Please note:

  • If you are not familiar with the deinstallation of RPM packages, please refer to the regular user's guide or your Linux system documentation.
  • Before you deinstall a VE license server, make sure that no active emulator guest system depends on this license server.
  • Please refer to the general Charon-SSP user's guide for information on how to remove the Charon-SSP emulator software.

To uninstall the license server package, perform the following steps:

  1. Use ssh to log in on the cloud instance.
    # ssh -i ~/.ssh/<mykey> <user>@<cloud-instance-ip>
    1. <mykey> is the private key of the key-pair you associated with your cloud instance
    2. <user> is the user for interactive login associated with your cloud instance (e.g., opc on OCI, or centos for a CentOS instance on AWS; for an instance installed from a prepackaged Charon-SSP VE image, use sshuser)
    3. <cloud-instance-ip> is the ip address of your cloud instance

  2. As a privileged user (root) perform the deinstallation command:
    1. Become the root user:          # sudo -i
    2. Remove the VE license server package:             
      1. Linux 7.x: # yum erase license-server
      2. Linux 8.x: # dnf erase license-server

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