__Include: Charon-PAR Model Naming

Charon-PAR/PA9-64 model name details

The model names of Charon-PAR emulated historic PA-RISC systems for HP-UX consist of three parts:



  • family-name describes the model family, e.g., rp2400,
  • number-of-cpus describes the number of emulated CPUs, and
  • clock-speed describes the CPU clock frequency in MHz.

Example: rp2470-2-750 stands for an rp2470 model with two 750-MHz CPUs.

Abbreviations are possible, e.g,, rp2470-1 stands for an rp2470-1-750 model. See configuration file templates for permitted abbreviations.

Charon-PAR/PA9-32 model name details

Currently, there are the following 32-bit models:

  • The PA9-32/720 (PA-RISC v1.1a) with single CPU at 50MHz, model string: "720"
  • The PA9-32/B132L with 1 CPU at 132MHz (oversized models with up to 16 CPUs may be available), model string: B132L-<nr-of-cpus>.
    Supported starting with Charon-PAR 3.0.7.

Charon-PAR/PA3 model name details

The model names of Charon-PAR emulated historic PA-RISC systems for MPE/iX consist of three parts:



  • family-name describes the model family, e.g., A400,
  • number-of-cpus describes the number of emulated CPUs multiplied by 100, and
  • clock-speed describes the CPU clock frequency in MHz.

ExampleA400-100-110 is a single-CPU A400 system running at 110 MHz.

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