Operation not permitted: ISA: Failed to set CPU affinity

Operation not permitted: ISA: Failed to set CPU affinity


When starting a Charon-AXP/VAX emulator on Linux 8.6, the following error message is displayed.


20230207:123226:ERROR:2:00000021:busemul.cx(1473): (1) Operation not permitted: ISA: Failed to set CPU affinity

(info) This message has been reported with Charon-AXP/VAX V4.11.


For the emulator, the message means that the timer thread runs with normal priority, not real-time. It should be considered as a warning message and does not impact the execution of the emulator.

(info) Please have a look at this article Processes requiring Real-Time Scheduling fail with "sched_setscheduler: Operation not permitted" error or similar on Red Hat customer portal.

(lightbulb) To avoid this message during startup, one solution is to upgrade Linux to at least version 8.7  (this error message is not more displayed).

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