Unable to apply license file, V2C file data is invalid


On Linux, the hasp_update executable file reports the following error:

# hasp_update u <license_file>.v2c

Update data is invalid

On Windows, the License Update Tool (RUS) reports the following error:

V2C file <file>.v2C is invalid

Using the Sentinel Admin Control Center with a Web browser, the following error is returned:


Open the v2c file and check the following tags (blue colored) are present:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


    <vendor id="68704">
      <hasp id="xxxxxxxxx"/>






(question) v2c files are generally sent by email so it is possible email content filters update the content of the v2c file.

(info) For the case described above, the user did not change anything in the attached file but the <hasp_info> tag was replaced by <hasp info>

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