Charon-SSP does not find a valid license key

Charon-SSP does not find a valid license key


Even though the ACC GUI and hasp_srm_view show a valid license, the emulator cannot be started and reports the following errors:

2020-11-20 11:55:30 WARN License Regular license key (ID: 67690374583785608) doesn't exist/match, skipped.
2020-11-20 11:55:32 ERROR License There is no valid license key.
2020-11-20 11:55:34 FATAL License Stop Charon since license key is not available!

Explicitly and correctly configuring the license ID in the emulator configuration does not solve the problem.


Charon-SSP reports a misleading message. In fact, the license exists and can be read but the amount of memory and/or the number of CPUs specified in the configuration file are above the license settings. This prevents the emulator from starting.

Edit the emulator settings and make sure that memory size and number of CPUs are within the license limits.

License content example:


CPU's allowed:               1

Maximum virtual memory:      1024

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