Charon Report Utility V1.40 for Linux


  • For better compatibility, 'locale' settings are forced to 'C'

  • If the Linux toolkit is not installed and used, the script will try to find valid .cfg files based on running processes before asking the location of the .cfg file(s) used on the server

  • Charon products and versions table updated (SSP 5.6.1)

  • If the Linux toolkit is installed but not used to run the Charon emulator(s), user has to specify location of the .cfg file(s) if not already known by the CharonReport utility

  • Results chapter now contains all warning and errors found (duplicate messages are removed)

  • Added check for duplicate license number (with different keyid)

  • If Out of Memory killer killed a Charon process, this is reported in the HTML report

  • Bug solved: could not always get history of reboot and shutdown on Linux 8 & 9. Now retrieving latest 12 entries.


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