Charon License Utility V2.2 for Windows


  • Updated explanation when a cloned software license is detected

  • Mnemonic keys added to left blue buttons (press ALT to see then ALT+button to execute)

  • hasp_view.exe updated from Charon-AXP/VAX V4.12 kit Build 21003

  • Button added to browse HASP folder for log files if 'Write an Access Log File' or 'Write an Error Log File' is enabled in the Sentinel Admin Control Center

  • License expiration check utility added with GUI setup

Documentation available here:


This utility allows the installation/uninstallation of the 'Sentinel LDK License Manager' service and drivers. It enables the use of USB license dongles and Software Licenses (SL) management.

It can be used to install a Windows server as a license server with software licenses or USB network licenses (red dongles) or simply to easily update USB dongle licenses from a server/laptop/desktop where Charon-AXP/VAX/PDP is not installed.

It can be installed even if Charon-AXP/VAX/PDP is already installed.


  • Easy installation/uninstallation of the driver

  • Read license content

    • working even from a remote desktop connection (RDP) → this requires the utility to be executed as Administrator

    • highlights on license expiration date

  • Removing a Software License (SL)

  • Access to Sentinel Admin Control Center

  • Access to update license utility

  • Stop/start 'Sentinel LDK License Manager' service

  • Utility to check for license expiration with alerts as Windows Application Events and/or custom script execution and/or email (not supported on Windows 2008 i.e. the configuration icon will not appear)

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