Charon Report Utility 1.47 for Windows and 1.36 for Linux

Version 1.47 for Windows:

  • Report generation abort button was not always taken into account (solved)

  • HTML report: added reference to 'Charon License Utility' to delete a cloned software license if one is detected

  • Mnemonic keys added to left blue buttons (press ALT to see then ALT+button to execute)

  • Charon Log Monitoring utility log files are stored in a separate folder '_Charon Log Monitor' inside Charon Report zip file

  • 'ProgramData_Stromasys' and 'AladdinShared_HASP' folders in the Charon Report zip file have now a leading underscore in their name to easily differentiate them from virtual machines folders

  • HTML report: added virtual machine notes if the Charon Log Monitor service is installed and running. Can be disabled from right-click menu

  • Charon product release date is now displayed to identify non official versions

Version 1.36 for Linux:

  • The 'Memory' chapter now contains the top 20 processes consuming it

  • 'chkconfig' existence is tested before displaying its output (deprecated on Linux 9 / not installed by default)

  • checks updated for 'ncu' due to changes in Charon-AXP/VAX V4.12

  • Resulting zip file comment contains report type and number and is now sorted differently (visible using 'unzip -l' command). All system folders (/etc, /opt and /var) are renamed with leading underscore character

  • Charon product release date is now displayed to identify non official versions

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