Display License Content with Linux-Specific Tools
The license content on Linux systems can be displayed using the hasp_srm_view command.
If the command is not in your PATH variable, the full path has to be specified:
- Path to image for Charon-AXP/VAX and Charon-PAR 1.10 and later:
- Path to image for Charon-SSP:
Example of a hasp_srm_view command that will show all licenses visible on the system:
$ /opt/charon/bin/hasp_srm_view -all
A complete list of the parameters of the hasp_srm_view command is shown in hasp_srm_view.
The commands described in this section also work on Charon-SSP. However, Charon-SSP has its own GUI, the Charon-Manager, which also includes a license viewer. Please refer to the section License Management with Charon-SSP Manager for more information.
Displaying the license content when connected via the network: Local hardware licenses can only be displayed from a local connection to the system, for example via the console. If you are connected via a remote connection, for example via ssh, the hasp_srm_view command will return an error. Network licenses (network-enabled dongles and software licenses) do not have this problem. Workaround when logged in via a remote connection: When connected to the system via a remote connection, the command to display a local hardware license will return an error. As a workaround, you can display the license contents with the following command (adapt the path of the command if your installation location is different): Please note: in rare cases, you may have received an empty dongle without a license section. The hasp_srm_view command will show that no license information was detected. In such cases, please refer to the steps on how to request a license update for a USB dongle. The following shows sample output of the hasp_srm_view command on Linux (to display all available licenses, use the <output truncated> Starting with license driver versions >= 7.60, for example, in Charon-AXP/VAX version 4.9 and Charon-PAR version 1.11, there are some small changes in the output of hasp_srm_view. The parameters are described in the License Content section of the Licensing Handbook. The following sample shows the most important changes (in blue): < Parameters Maximum Build and Minimum Build are no longer shown>$ ssh localhost
Please note: starting with Charon-AXP/VAX 4.9 and Charon-PAR 1.10, the hasp_srm_view utility on Linux does not follow the settings in the Sentinel ACC with respect to querying remote license servers and network visibility. The utility performs a broadcast search for network licenses even if this has been disabled in the Sentinel ACC. If this behavior has to be prevented for specific reasons, the network access of the system must be temporarily restricted or disabled, for example by blocking the relevant traffic with a firewall. Alternatively, access to the network license at the license server side can be blocked. Note that such methods can negatively impact other functions of the system or, in case of blocking access to a network license on the server, even the functions on other client host systems.
parameter):$ hasp_srm_view
Trying to connect to the key: 527889790
License Manager running at host: host1
License Manager IP address:
The Physical KeyId: 527889790
License type: License Dongle (Local)
CHARON Sentinel HASP License key section
Reading 4032 bytes
The License Number: 1000.826
The License KeyId: 527889790
The Master KeyId: 1645066348
Release date: 15-MAR-2021
Release time: 11:58:42
Update number: 20
End User name: Stromasys
Purchasing Customer name: Stromasys
Virtual Hardware: AlphaServer_DS10, AlphaServer_DS10L, AlphaServer_DS15, AlphaServer_DS20, AlphaServer_DS25, AlphaServer_ES40, AlphaServer_ES45, AlphaServer_GS80, AlphaServer_GS160, AlphaServer_GS320, AlphaServer_400, AlphaServer_800, AlphaServer_1000, AlphaServer_1000A, AlphaServer_1200, AlphaServer_2000, AlphaServer_2100, AlphaServer_4000, AlphaServer_4100
Product Name: CHARON-AXP
Product Code: CHAXP-470xx-WI-LI
Major Version: 4
Minor Version: 12
32bit and 64bit OS requirements: 64bit
Host Operating System required: WINDOWS, LINUX
CPU's allowed: 32
Maximum virtual memory: 262144MB
License expiration date: 25-Nov-2021
Instances allowed: 10
Feature number: 1
Check interval: 60 minutes
License Manager running at host: Host1
License Manager IP address:
HASP Net key detected
The Physical KeyId: 1015925129
License type: License Dongle (Network capable)
CHARON Sentinel HASP License key section
Reading 4032 bytes
The License Number: 000.TEST.CENTER
The License KeyId: 1015925129
The Master KeyId: 827774524
Release date: 11-APR-2018
Release time: 16:52:33
Update number: 68
End User name: STROMASYS
Purchasing Customer name: STROMASYS
Product License Number: AXP_4_9_TEST
Virtual Hardware: AlphaServer_DS10, AlphaServer_DS10L, AlphaServer_DS15,
<items removed>Product Name: CHARON-AXP
Product Code: CHAXP-490xx-LI
Major Version: 4
Minor Version: 9
32bit and 64bit OS requirements: 64bit
<replaces parameter Host CPU supported>Host Operating System required: LINUX
CPU's allowed: 16
Maximum virtual memory: 65536MB
CHAPI enabled
License expiration date: 01-Nov-2018
Instances allowed: 3
Feature number: 1
Check interval: 15 minutes
The following shows sample hasp_srm_view output for a network-enabled backup key limited to 720 hours of runtime:
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