Additional License Related Tools
Stromasys provides additional tools for the Charon-AXP/VAX/PDP emulator products on Windows. These tools are described in detail in the respective user's guides on the Stromasys documentation page (see Documentation).
This section provides a short overview of the following tools:
Charon License Utility for Windows
This utility allows the installation/uninstallation of the 'Sentinel LDK License Manager' service and drivers. It enables the use of USB license dongles and Software Licenses (SL) management. It can be used to install a Windows server as a license server with software licenses or USB network licenses (red dongles) or simply to easily update USB dongle licenses from a server/laptop/desktop where Charon-AXP/VAX/PDP is not installed.
It can also be installed if Charon-AXP/VAX/PDP is already installed and offers the following features:
- Easy installation/uninstallation of the driver
- Read license content
- working even from a remote desktop connection (RDP) → this requires the utility to be executed as Administrator
- highlights on license expiration date
- Removing a Software License (SL)
- Access to Sentinel Admin Control Center
- Access to update license utility
- Stop/start 'Sentinel LDK License Manager' service
See CHARON on Windows - Charon License Utility for more information.
Legacy Log Monitor and Charon Log Monitor
The Charon-AXP/VAX/PDP products come with the logmond (Log Monitor & Dispatcher) utility. This utility can monitor the emulator log for events indicating that the license has been removed. The knowledge base article CHARON Log monitoring on Windows (logmond) - Best practices describes the use of this tool in detail.
The program runs in the background either as a normal program or as a Windows service and monitors the emulator log files for events indicating the removal of the license (message code 0000002A, 00000351, or 00000424 - depending on product version). The latest version of the program can also monitor message code 0000040B to detect if the emulator switched to a different license.
Once such a remove event is detected, logmond runs a file named nolicense.bat. This file contains the custom actions to be performed when the event is detected. For example, it can be used to create an entry in the Windows event log or to send an email. If a license switch event is detected, logmond runs a file named license_changed.bat.
In addition, there is the Charon Log Monitor for Windows. Please refer to the linked document for more information.
Automatic License Expiration Check
Starting with Charon-AXP/VAX/PDP version 4.8 the license expiration check utility is installed with the Charon emulator kit. The details of this utility are described in the knowledge base article CHARON on Windows - Automated License Expiration Check. This section provides a short overview.
This utility is executed once a day at 09:00 AM and will send Windows Application Events 15 days before license expiration. No other action will be taken unless you customize the expiredlicense.bat
The installation process installs the utility and the default expiredlicense.bat
file under the Charon installation folder, usually in C:\Program Files\CHARON\
. It also provides examples on how to send alerts via email.
- If you installed this utility manually before installing Charon-AXP V4.8, the scheduled task will remain unchanged.
- If you remove all Charon emulator products from the server, the scheduled task will be disabled. It will not be deleted.
Please refer to the License Expiration Check chapter of the respective user's guide for more information. For versions prior to Charon-AXP/VAX 4.8 the utility can be installed manually. Please refer to Charon on Windows - Automated License Expiration Check for detail.
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