
Important Information to Protect the License Validity
Certain actions can invalidate your license. Therefore, once you have installed your license, please note the following points:

Requesting and Installing a License
Overview of the basic steps to request and install a license:
- VMware only: for the first license request in a VMware environment, or if the binding data has changed, use the esxi_bind command to bind the license server to its ESXi host or vCenter Server.
- Collect the fingerprint (the customer-to-vendor - or C2V - file) on the license server and (if applicable) the backup license server.
- Send the fingerprint data to Stromasys.
- Stromasys will send you a license. This is a V2C file with the license data and a text file with human readable license content.
- Install the license data (the vendor-to-customer - or V2C - file) on the license server and (if applicable) on the backup license server.
- Verify the license installation.
These basic steps are described in more detail below.
Running the esxi_bind Command (VMware environment only)
The esxi_bind command sets up the necessary communication connection between the VE license server and the ESXi host / the vCenter Server.
It must be run on the license server (and the backup license server, if applicable):
- once before the first license is requested, and
- again should the user credentials, the password, or the address data for the access to the ESXi host / the vCenter Server change. Please make sure that the password of the selected user account does not automatically expire after a certain time period. This would cause disruptions in the license server operation and make it impossible for clients to receive their license.
Perform the following steps:
- Use ssh to log in on the license server instance (assuming that username/password login is possible for an on-premises VMware installation).
# ssh <user>@<license-server-ip>
- <user> is the user for interactive login associated with your license server system
- <license-server-ip> the ip address of your license server system
- Become the privileged user and run the esxi_bind program.
- Become the root user:
# sudo -i
- Run the esxi_bind program:
# /opt/license-server/esxi_bind -a <address> -u <username> -p <password>
where- <address> is the IP address of the ESXi host or vCenter Server
- <username> is a user with on the ESXi host or vCenter Server. Make sure the user has at least the following permissions:

- <password> is the password of the user
- If the command is successful, it will create the file /opt/license-server/config.ini containing the connection data (the password is encrypted).
Collecting the Fingerprint Data on the License Server
The fingerprint is collected on the license server using the c2v utility.
Perform the following steps to collect the fingerprint on the license server and (if applicable) the backup license server:
- Use ssh to log in on the license server instance.
# ssh -i ~/.ssh/<mykey> <user>@<license-server-ip>
where- <mykey> is the private key of the key-pair you associated with your cloud instance
(for an on-premises VMware installation where login with username/password is allowed, it is not needed) - <user> is the user for interactive login associated with your license server instance (e.g., opc on OCI, centos for a CentOS instance on AWS, or the custom user on your VMware virtual machine or your physical server;
for an instance installed from a prepackaged Charon supported marketplace image, use sshuser for Charon-SSP and centos for Charon-PAR) - <license-server-ip> is the ip address of your license server system
- Become the privileged user and run the c2v program.
- Become the root user:
# sudo -i
- Run the c2v program:
# /opt/license-server/c2v [-a]
--filename <my-file>.c2v --platform <my-platform>
where- The optional
parameter creates the fingerprint for a AutoVE license. Regular VE mode and AutoVE mode are mutually exclusive. - <my-file>.c2v is the path and name under which you want to store the fingerprint. The file type is C2V (customer-to-vendor)
- <my-platform> indicates the platform on which the license server runs (possible values: physical, aws, oci, gcp, azure, ibm, nutanix, or esxi; for AutoVE: aws, oci, gcp, azure)
- Copy the resulting C2V file to your local system (unless you can send email from the license server system).
Sending the C2V File to Stromasys and Receive License Data File
Stromasys or your Stromasys VAR will provide you with an email address to which you should send the C2V file you created in the previous step.
Please also indicate the following:
License requirements based on your contract with Stromasys (product version, number of concurrent instances, is this the main or the backup license, etc.).
- Do you require a license with or without a passphrase (can be selected per product section)?
- The use of a passphrase requires VE license server versions 1.1.x and higher.
- The use of a passphrase requires Charon-SSP emulator versions 4.3.x and higher.
- For Charon-PAR, a passphrase is mandatory. It is required to identify the correct license section.
- Do you require an AutoVE license?
- Available starting with VE license server version 1.21 for supported cloud-specific Automatic Licensing marketplace images.
In response, you will receive a so-called V2C (vendor-to-customer) file which contains the license data. The content of the license (type of emulated hardware, expiration date, number of concurrent instances, etc.) depends on your contract with Stromasys. You may also receive a text file containing the license content in human readable form.
Installing the License Data on the License Server
The license data is installed on the license server using the v2c utility.
Perform the following steps to install the license on the license server (if a backup license server is to be used, it needs its own license):
- Copy the V2C file to the license server (e.g., with SFTP).
- Use ssh to log in on the license server instance.
# ssh -i ~/.ssh/<mykey> <user>@<license-server-ip>
where- <mykey> is the private key of the key-pair you associated with your license server instance
(for an on-premises VMware installation where login with username/password is allowed, it is not needed) - <user> is the user for interactive login associated with your license server instance (e.g., opc on OCI, centos for a CentOS instance on AWS, or the custom user on your VMware virtual machine or you physical server;
for an instance installed from a prepackaged Charon supported marketplace image, use sshuser for Charon-SSP and centos for Charon-PAR) - <license-server-ip> is the ip address of your license server system
- Become the privileged user and run the v2c program.
- Become the root user:
# sudo -i
- Run the v2c program:
# /opt/license-server/v2c -f <my-file>.v2c
where <my-file>.v2c is the path and name under which you want to store the fingerprint. The file type is V2C (vendor-to-customer).
After the installation of the V2C file, the license server will be restarted.
Please note:
- Please note that to install a license with a new license ID (or another changed static parameter - see below), the old license must first be removed in an additional step (see Removing a License from a VE License Server).
- In versions before 1.0.17, the license server will not start until a valid license has been installed.
The following example shows the installation of a V2C file:
$ sudo /opt/license-server/v2c -f mylicense.v2c
<<V2C>> Going to import "mylicense.v2c" ...
<<V2C>> Imported "mylicense.v2c" successfully.
<<V2C>> Restarting license server ...
<<V2C>> Done |
Verifying License Installation and License Content
Checking the License Server Log file
Check the license server log file to see if the server started successfully or reported an error. Use the following command (as the privileged user):
# cat /opt/license-server/log/license.log
The log should indicate that the license server is ready to serve licenses.
Using the license_viewer Program to Display the Content of a License
The license server provides a license_viewer program to view the content of the license. To run it, use the following command (as the privileged user):
# /opt/license-server
The following sample shows the output for several
Regular VE license on AWS | Regular VE license on physical server
# /opt/license-server/license_viewer
<<License Viewer>> Current license:
License Fingerprint: 07792211fc8ce3fdc085 <truncated>
Customer Name: Stromasys
License ID: 01.00000001.002.020
Key Type: NORMAL
Platform: amazon.aws
Release Date: 2021-06-17 13:08:01
Grace Period: 120 minutes
License Check Interval: 60 minutes
Virtual Hardware: Charon-SSP/4M,Charon-SSP/4U
Product Code: Charon-SSP/ALL
Expiration Date: 2021-12-22 23:55:00
Major Version: 5
Minor Version: 3
Maximum CPU: 64
Maximum Virtual Memory: 1048576MB
Instances Allowed: 3
| # /opt/license-server/license_viewer
<<License Viewer>> Current license:
License Fingerprint: 07792211fc8ce3fdc085 <truncated>
Customer Name: Stromasys
License ID: 03.00000003.002.006
Key Type: NORMAL
Platform: physical.machine
Release Date: 2021-12-08 13:18:32
Grace Period: 120 minutes
License Check Interval: 60 minutes
Virtual Hardware: Charon-PA9-64-L1
Product Code: CHPA9-64-L1-IP
Expiration Date: 2022-06-08 23:55:00
Major Version: 3
Minor Version: 0
Maximum CPU: 1
Maximum Virtual Memory: 2048MB
Instances Allowed: 10
Passphrase: 77U8-HXR9-VUFK-1B9V
Countdown license on physical server | AutoVE license on AWS |
<<License Viewer>> Current license:
License Fingerprint: 5f9d9f13f390e3b071 <truncated>
Customer Name: Stromasys
License ID: 01.00000001.002.194
Expiration Date: 240 hour(s)
Platform: physical.machine
Release Date: 2021-07-29 09:06:15
Grace Period: 480 minutes
License Check Interval: 60 minutes
Virtual Hardware: Charon-SSP/4U
Product Code: test
Major Version: 5
Minor Version: 3
Maximum CPU: 4
Maximum Virtual Memory: 10240MB
Instances Allowed: 4
<<License Viewer>> Current license:
License Fingerprint: 5aaa364f9fc602323eaab2c <truncated>
Customer Name: Stromasys
License ID: 03.00000003.002.007
Key Type: NORMAL
Expiration Date: 2022-02-14 23:55:00
Platform: amazon.aws
Release Date: 2021-07-27 10:42:44
Grace Period: 1440 minutes
Instances Allowed: 3
Auto License: true
The license contains a key-specific section and one or more product-specific sections.
Important key-specific license parameters:
Parameter | Explanation |
Platform | The platform for which the license has been created. This parameter cannot be changed by a license update. |
Release Date | Date on which the license has been issued. |
Customer Name | The owner of the license. This parameter cannot be changed by a license update. If a change is required, the existing license must be removed before creating a new fingerprint. |
License ID | In older versions, the license ID changed if the license server software was reinstalled; in newer versions, it will remain unchanged as long as the license server host instance is not re-installed. This parameter cannot be changed by a license update. If a change is required, the existing license must be removed before creating a new fingerprint. |
Key Type | Possible values: - NORMAL - time-limited or perpetual license
- COUNTDOWN - limited to a certain number of emulator runtime hours. The countdown starts, when the first emulator logs in to the license, and stops again when the last emulator disconnects from the license.
Expiration Date | Possible values: - License expiration date (for Key Type = NORMAL)
- Configured number of emulator runtime hours (for Key Type = COUNTDOWN). The remaining hours can be seen in the web interface of the license server and the emulator log file.
Grace Period | Time in minutes the emulator can run after the license used by the emulator has timed out or disappeared. Configured by Stromasys when creating the license (default: 2 hours for general VE, 24 hours for AutoVE). |
License Check Interval | Frequency with which the emulator will check the license availability and validity (1 hour). |
Important product-specific license parameters:
Parameter | Explanation |
Virtual Hardware | hardware covered by this product section. |
Product Code | The product code covered by the license. |
Expiration Date | The expiration date. |
Major Version and Minor Version | The major and minor product versions. |
Maximum CPU | Defines the maximum number of CPUs in an emulated system (emulated SPARC in the example). |
Maximum Virtual Memory | Defines the maximum amount of RAM in an emulated system. |
Instances Allowed | General VE mode: defines the maximum number of concurrently running emulated systems. AutoVE mode: defines the maximum number of concurrently active AL cloud instances using the AutoVE license server. |
Passphrase | Defines the passphrase that must be configured on the license client system. This is optional for Charon-SSP, but mandatory for Charon-PAR. |
Using the Web Interface
The license server provides a web interface to display important license characteristics, to display license client systems, and to enable license updates.
It is accessed using the URL https://<license-server-ip>:<web-gui-port>
- license-server-ip is the address or the name of the VE license server, and
- web-gui-port is the port on which the web-server runs (default 8084).
Using just http://<license-server-ip>
will redirect to https on the default port.
Prerequisite: access to TCP port 8084 (or an alternative port configured in the file /opt/license-server/config.ini file; see also Additional Configuration Options - the config.ini File) of the license server must be possible.
The following image shows sample output of a general VE license for SSP:

The first section of the samples shows the basic characteristics of the license. The Product Section shows the licensed products and their characteristics.
See VE License Server Web-based Management GUI for more information.