
When using the hasp_view.exe file with "-report" parameter, the following information is missing:

Usage example:

C:\Charon> "C:\Program Files\CHARON\Build_18302\x64\hasp_view.exe" -report mylicense.txt

Affected versions: Charon-AXP, Charon-VAX and Charon-PDP version 4.8 for Windows with patches 183-04 and 183-05 (hasp_view.exe version 1.26)


(lightbulb) If you are using the CHARON on Windows - Automated License Expiration Check utility:

  • you need to download version 1.6 (minimum) to use with hasp_view.exe version 1.27
  • if you did not download hasp_view.exe version 1.27, add the "-usevanilla" parameter (version 1.5 of the utility minimum required) to the command executed within the Windows Task Scheduler (this will use the saved version 1.24 of hasp_view.exe)


If you're using your own scripts to check the expiration date, please note the expiration date format has changed in the output file with hasp_view.exe version 1.27 as it now contains the time.

Example / version 1.24:

Product expiration date: 26-Oct-2017

Example / version 1.27:

Product expiration date: 26-Oct-2017 01:55


If more than one dongle is connected to the server, the "hasp_view.exe -report" command will report only one dongle in the output file. This will be fixed in a future version.

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