Table of contents

Important note

This document applies to Charon-AXP/VAX Linux Toolkit versions 1.58.

Kit download

To download the kit, you must issue a request via email to the Stromasys support team ( or ask your reseller


Note related to display/edit options

Some menu options will allow you to display or edit files using available editors (if installed) between:

geditGraphicalWindows notepad like
emacsGraphicalWindows notepad like, advanced
nanoTextBasic text editor
viTextAdvanced users
vimTextAdvanced users with more features (colored & highlights)
gvimGraphicalAdvanced users with more features (colored & highlights)

Select the one you prefer or refer to 'man pages' for more information on available ones.

Note related to emails

There are 2 kinds of emails:


Some menu options will allow you to send results via email.

  • Example: license display, log and configuration files.

  • The recipient will then be unique

AlertsBy default, the alert script will send alerts via email (plus 'wall' notifications if enabled). A recipients list can be defined in this case.
  • Wall notification can be enabled/disabled from the menu
  • The alert script can be customized. You can for example use command lines linked to your monitoring software and disable emails.

(info) Do not use Stromasys email address to send results directly, for example to The sender will be unknown to us, it is then recommended to send results to yourself first and to forward us the email you received.

(warning) Both use 'sendmail' command to send emails. Mail transfer agent can be postfix, sendmail, ...