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Please note:

  • This section describes how to install the The license server kit is included in pre-packaged Charon emulator marketplace images. Alternatively, Stromasys will provide you with a download location.
  • Charon emulators that are to use Virtual Environments (VE) licenses require at least one VE license server kit on Charon host systems that were launched from prepackaged Charon-SSP cloud marketplace images. The license server kit is included in these imagesthe Charon host system itself or an a separate license server. However, it is recommended to run the VE license server on a dedicated system to avoid license invalidation caused by changes to the system which are more likely to occur on a system used for other purposes as well, for example, to run a Charon emulator. It is also recommended to install a backup license server to ensure continued operation in case of a failure or invalidation of the primary license.
  • For more information, and if you installed your host system using a different base image and the VE License Server RPM packages, please refer to the VE License Server user's guide in the Licensing Documentation section of the Stromasys documentation site. The basic steps are the same, but you must copy
  • Additional information for Amazon Linux 2023: by default, Amazon Linux only installs a minimal gnupg package. This is not sufficient to unpack the VE license server kit to your instance in a separate step, and the user for interactive login depends on the configuration of the Linux cloud image chosen for the instance and the configuration during launch.

Charon emulators that are to use Virtual Environments (VE) licenses require at least one VE license server on the Charon host system itself or an a separate license server. The VE license server must run in a supported cloud (unless both, the Charon emulator and the license server run in the same VMware environment). The software package is included in all Charon-SSP VE marketplace images and the newer AL marketplace images. The installation of the VE License Server package on a Charon host system launched from a Charon-SSP marketplace image is described below:


Log into your cloud instance and become the root user on the Charon host in the cloud using the following commands:

$ ssh -i <path-to-private-key>  sshuser@<ip-address-of-cloud-instance>
$ sudo -i


Go to the directory where the package has been stored (this location is applicable to the prepackaged Charon-SSP VE marketplace image):
      # cd /charon/storage/


  • kits archive. An attempt to unpack the archive will result in the error gpg: uncompressing failed: Unknown compression algorithm. To swap the minimal for the full package, use the following command:
    # dnf swap gnupg2-minimal gnupg2-full

In the description below, the placeholders used have the following meaning:

  • <mykey> is the private key of the key-pair you associated with your cloud instance
    (for an on-premises VMware installation or an installation on a physical system where logging in with username/password is allowed, this is not needed).
  • <user> is the management user associated with your license server instance. For an instance installed from a Stromasys-provided Charon AL or VE emulator marketplace image, use user charon for SFTP and user sshuser for interactive login.
  • <linux-ip> is the ip address of your license server system.

Please note: if an instance was installed from a prepackaged Charon emulator marketplace image, the installation package is already stored in /charon/storage. Please check, if there are newer versions available that would be preferable for your environment.

Perform the following steps to install the VE License Server software:

  1. Copy the license server software package to the license server host (if needed):
    1. For example, use sftp to connect to the VE license server system.
      # sftp -i ~/.ssh/<mykey>  <user>@<linux-ip>
    2. Copy the software package to the license server system using the following SFTP command:
      > put <local-path-to-license-server-package>

  2. Use ssh to log in on the license server host.
    # ssh-i ~/.ssh/<mykey> <user>@<linux-ip>

  3. As a privileged user (root) go to the directory where you stored the installation package and install the package:
    1. Become the root user: # sudo -i
    2. Go to the package location:  # cd <path-to-package-directory>
      If you used SFTP to copy the package to an instance installed from a prepackaged Charon marketplace image, the home directory of the charon user and the default location for file transfers is /charon/storage.
    3. For VE license server 2.2.4 and above, unpack the archive and agree to the end-user license agreement:
      1. #


      1. sh


      1. ./license-server-<version>
        This will display the EULA. After agreeing to it, for version 2.2.4, the RPM installation package will be unpacked in the current directory. For version 2.2.5 and later, the EULA and the RPM package will be unpacked in a subdirectory (license-server-<version>.rpm) of the current working directory


      1. .
    1. Install the package: 
      1. Go to the directory in which the RPM package is located.           
      2. Linux 7.x: # yum install license-server


      1. *.rpm
      2. Linux 8.x and 9.x: # dnf install license-server


      1. *.rpm


Sample installation:

Code Block
# cd /charon/storage

# dnf install license-server-2.0.1.rpm 
Last metadata expiration check: 0:19:36 ago on Di 03 Mai 2022 13:20:02 CEST.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package               Architecture  Version          Repository           Size
 license-server        x86_64        2.0.1-1          @commandline         53 M

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package

Total size: 53 M
Installed size: 85 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
     <lines removed>
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                                        1/1 
  Running scriptlet: license-server-2.0.1-1.x86_64                          1/1 
  Installing       : license-server-2.0.1-1.x86_64                          1/1 
  Running scriptlet: license-server-2.0.1-1.x86_64                          1/1 
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /etc/systemd/system/licensed.service.

  Verifying        : license-server-2.0.1-1.x86_64                          1/1 


