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- If VMS has to connect to Linux, configure the SSH CLIENT:
Select then:
Option 2 - Enable & Start service on this node
Exit with E twice
- Copy these files from the default SSH user for the SYSTEM one:
In case SSH cannot be used to perform clean shutdown of the guests, the ‘expect’ ‘expect’ tool can be used to connect to the console and perform the login operation then execute the shutdown command. Note in
In that case the password is sent without encryption.
To facilitate use of ‘expect’ ‘expect’ for shutdown, an example is provided in the script : 'guest_shutdown.exp' located in the /opt/charon/utils folder. It is recommended not to use directly this script but to create a copy if you plan to customize the script, otherwise it could be overwritten with new distribution kit.
Console locked: one must kill any ‘telnet’ session connected to the localhost/port (this is not done inside the expect script) before using the expect script
This script can handle the following situations:
- Console lockedAt the beginning, the script kills ‘telnet’ session connected to the localhost/portGuest console not connected
- Expect: ‘Username: ’ (VMS) or ‘login: ‘ (Tru64)
- Action: An interactive session will be initiated based on <user> and <password> provided
- Guest console with user connected
- Expect: prompt
- This user must have privileges to perform shutdown
- Expect: ‘Username: ’ (VMS) or ‘login: ‘ (Tru64)Action: Depending on the Operating system parameter (see <opsys> below), the shutdown command will be sent
- Guest console at SRM prompt
- Expect: ‘>>>’ (so works with VAX and Alpha with ‘P00>>>’)
- Action: A 'power off' command will be issued. If it does not succeed the F6 key will be sent (must be enabled within the configuration file). If the F6 key did not stop the emulator the script will exit with error code 9 meaning you will have to kill the emulator process yourself. Examples are provided within the '/opt/charon/utils/charon_gstart.stop.example' file.
Script usage
# path/script <port> <user> <password> <prompt> <opsys>