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Table of Contents
excludeTable of Contents

Creation of your own configuration file using a template

By default, all the CHARON templates are located in the "/opt/charon/cfg" folder. Copy the appropriate template configuration file(s) to your home directory or to any directory intended for CHARON-AXP, name them meaningfully and set proper privileges.


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HP Alpha model specification

The first configuration statement is the specification of the exact HP Alpha hardware model to emulate.


If you create the CHARON-AXP configuration file from scratch, it must be the very first uncommented line in the configuration file.


Configuration name

The next configuration statement is the "Configuration name" option.


You can optionally uncomment this line to differentiate this CHARON-AXP instance from all others in a multi-instances environment. The configuration name can be any label that is meaningful. It is reported in the log file and is used to set the log file name for rotating log (see further: Rotating log (default) ).

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Log file parameters

Execution of CHARON-AXP creates one log file or a set of log files reflecting the progress of its start-up and ongoing operation - start and end time of execution, system information, license and configuration details, warnings, reports on problems that may occur, etc. In case of possible problems either with the running CHARON-AXP or the emulated system configuration (such as the absence or malfunction of certain devices), the log file(s) is the primary source to be analyzed for troubleshooting. If it becomes necessary to contact Stromasys for support, the configuration and log files, plus the license number, will be requested to begin problem resolution.

titleCHARON-AXP log file example (part1)

2019011020200310:035210:INFO :0:000003A5:hexane.cxx(5938): session: loading built-in configuration "AlphaServer_ES40"...
2019011020200310:035210:INFO :0:000003A6:hexane.cxx(5959): session: ... done loading built-in configuration "AlphaServer_ES40"
2019011020200310:035210:INFO :0:000003AA:hexane.cxx(5988): session: loading configuration file "es40.cfg"...
2019011020200310:035210:INFO :0:000003AB:hexane.cxx(6012): session: ... done loading configuration file "es40.cfg"
2019011020200310:035210:INFO :0:000003F2:sesmgr.cxx(1410): session: default log file size limit is 4194304 bytes
2019011020200310:035210:INFO :0:0000032B:hexane.cxx(2698): Start request received.
2019011020200310:035211:INFO :0:000003AC:hexane.cxx(1424): session: process affinity is 000000000000000F, system affinity is 000000000000000F
2019011020200310:035211:INFO :0:000003D1:hexane.cxx(1686): session: I/O domain affinity is 0000000000000001, CPU domain affinity is 000000000000000E
2019011020200310:035211:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): Checking the available license key "1918154109".
2019011020200310:035211:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): Found license key: "1918154109".
2019011020200310:035211:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): Checking product section 0.
2019011020200310:035211:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): License number: "".
2019011020200310:035211:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): Product License number: "CHAXP/AXP".
2019011020200310:035211:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): CHARON product code: "CHAXP-490xx411xx-WI-LI".
2019011020200310:035211:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): Unlimited license.
2019011020200310:035211:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): Feature 2 check interval 1 hour(s).
2019011020200310:035211:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): Concurrency info:
2019011020200310:035211:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): There are 10 instances allowed.
2019011020200310:035211:INFO :0:0000024D:hexane.cxx(2848): STROMASYS SA, (C) 2009-20192020
2019011020200310:035211:INFO :0:00000408:hexane.cxx(2892): CHARON-AXP (AlphaServer ES40), V 4.10 11 B 2020020403, Jan Mar 10 2019 2020 / / 1918154109
2019011020200310:035211:INFO :0:00000336:hexane.cxx(2924): The end user of this software has agreed to STROMASYS' Terms and Conditions for Software License and Limited Warranty, as described at:

titleCHARON-AXP log file example (part2)

20200310:035211:INFO :0:00000097:hexane.cxx(2999): OS Environment: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.4 (Maipo), Linux 3.10.0-693.5.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Oct 13 10:46:25 EDT 2017 x86_64.
2019011020200310:035211:INFO :0:00000098:hexane.cxx(3004): Host CPU: GenuineIntel, Family 6, Model 42, Stepping 1, Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge), 1 Sockets, 1 Cores per Socket, 4 Threads per Core, at ~2593 MHz, 4 cpu's available
2019011020200310:035211:INFO :0:00000099:hexane.cxx(3009): Host Memory: 3840Mb
2019011020200310:035211:INFO :0:0000041F:hexane.cxx(3224): Configuration dump::
. session:
. . configuration_name = "AlphaServer_ES40"
. . log_method = "overwrite"
. . hw_model = "AlphaServer_ES40"
. . log_mode = "shared"
. . log_locale = "english"
. RAM:
. . size = "256"


titleCHARON-AXP log file example (part2)

. ACE:
. . num_entries = "2139"
. . num_translators = "0"
. . cache_size = "1024"
. . cache_base_size = "200"
. . host_options = " --locked-size=16"
. . enabled = "true"
. . ext_compiler = "ml64.exe"
. . ext_path = ""
. . cpu_architecture = "EV67"
. . locked_size = "16"
. cpu_0:
. . locked_size = "16"
. . wtint_idle = "true"
. cpu_1:
. . locked_size = "16"
. . wtint_idle = "true"
. cpu_2:
. . locked_size = "16"
. . wtint_idle = "true"
. cpu_3:
. . locked_size = "16"
. . wtint_idle = "true"
. ROM:
. . container = "clipper.bin"
. . dsrdb[0] = "1820"
. . dsrdb[1] = "50"
. . dsrdb[4] = "50"
. . dsrdb[11] = "1050"
. . dsrdb[12] = "1050"
. . system_name = "AlphaServer ES40 6/667"
. ISA:
. . clock_period = "10000"
. TOY:
. . container = "clipper.dat"
. COM1:
. . line = "OPA0"
. . communication = "console"
. COM2:
. . line = "(void)"
. . communication = "ascii"
. OPA0:
. . trace = "disabled"
. . stop_on = "F6"
. . tx_flush_delay = "0"

titleCHARON-AXP log file example (part3)

. EWA:
. . adapter_mode = "auto"
. . interface = "EWA0"
. . rx_fifo_delay_on_overload = "false"
. EWA0:
. . interface = "eth1"
. . disabled_mode = "10BaseT-HD"
. . port_show_driver_statistics = "false"
. . port_enable_mac_addr_change = "true"
. . port_snd_sock_buf_size_kb = "0"
. PKA:
. . scsi_id = "7"
. . min_n_of_threads = "0"
. . container[0] = "/home/charon/Charon/test/performancecomparison-axp.vdisk"


set session log_method = append
#set session log_method = overwrite
#set session log = "AlphaServer_ES40.log""

Rotating log (default)

By default CHARON-AXP utilizes a so-called "rotating log" mechanism. This means that a new default log file is created each time CHARON starts and can switch to another log file if the size of the log file exceeds 64Kb (this behavior can be changed with the "set session log_file_size" and "set session log_rotation_period" parameters; see more details in the "General Settings" chapter of this guide).



Only an existing directory can be used as a value of the "log" parameter.

Single log

Alternatively it is possible to use a single log file: uncomment the "set session log" line and specify the desired CHARON-AXP log file name. Optionally, a path can be added to the log file name. If the path is not specified, the log file is created in the directory from where the guest (emulated machine) is started.


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CPU affinity

This setting binds the running instance of the emulator CPUs to particular host CPUs. This should be used for soft partitioning host CPU resources or for isolating multiple CHARON instances on the same host from each other. By default the emulator instance allocates as many host CPUs as possible.


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Number of host CPUs dedicated to CHARON I/O

This setting reserves host CPUs (of those specified by “affinity” parameter, if any) for use by the emulator for I/O handling. By default the emulator instance reserves one third of available host CPUs for I/O processing (round down, at least one). 


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Setting a specific HP Alpha model

CHARON-AXP allows to specify an exact model of HP Alpha.


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Reducing number of emulated CPUs

If the CHARON host does not contain enough CPUs to emulate full range of the CPUs provided by a certain HP Alpha model, it is possible to direct CHARON-AXP to reduce the number of emulated Alpha CPUs in the configuration:


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Setting system serial number

This parameter is used to set a specific system serial number instead of the default one:


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TOY and ROM containers

The next objects to be configured are TOY and ROM containers (their presence depends on the HP Alpha model). It is always recommended to enable them. If a container file of the given name does not exist, CHARON-AXP will create it. It is recommended to specify the path for each file so that time and console parameters will be kept whatever the current directory is when starting the guest.


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Emulated memory (RAM) size

The next parameter defines the amount of host memory the chosen CHARON-AXP model reserves for the emulation.


The following table lists all the parameters per model:

Hardware ModelRAM size (in MB)

AlphaServer 40064102451264
AlphaServer 8002568192512256
AlphaServer 10002561024512256
AlphaServer 1000A2561024512256
AlphaServer 120025632768512256
AlphaServer 200064204851264
AlphaServer 210064204851264

AlphaServer 4000

AlphaServer 4100643276851264
AlphaServer DS10643276851264
AlphaServer DS10L643276851264
AlphaServer DS15643276851264
AlphaServer DS20643276851264
AlphaServer DS25643276851264
AlphaServer ES40643276851264
AlphaServer ES45643276851264
AlphaServer GS8025665536512256
AlphaServer GS160512131072512512
AlphaServer GS320102426214410241024


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Mapping to system resources

The next step is the specification of the HP Alpha console (OPA0) serial line.


The goal of this configuration step is to tell CHARON-AXP what host device to use as the virtual system console. The following options are available:


  • /dev/
tty<N> Virtual
  • tty<N> for virtual serial lines
  • /dev/
  • ttyS<N> for onboard serial lines
  • /dev/
  • ttyUSB<N> for modem or usb serial lines adapters
  • (console)
  • for mapping to the current TTY console


Mapping to host serial line, both physical and virtual. Use the following mapping for different types of host serial lines:


The specific account for running CHARON ("charon") does not allow the usage of physical consoles, "/dev/tty<N>", as CHARON consoles. If you plan to map the CHARON console to "/dev/tty<N>", use only the "root" account to run CHARON.


Mapping to an IP port of the CHARON host.
Using this mapping it is possible to connect to the CHARON console and disconnect from it at any time.

applicationStarting some application (typically another xterm terminal) with its specific options and switches to communicate to CHARON using the IP port defined by the "port" parameter (see above)aliasDefine some meaningful name for "COM1" and "COM2". Usually it is "OPA0" for "COM1" and "TTA0" for "COM2" (see below)


(warning) Note there are a number of additional parameters for CHARON-AXP serial lines configuration. Follow this link for details.

Exit on pressing F6 key

Despite the fact that CHARON-AXP can exit with "power off" command given in its SRM console it is also recommended to set a hot key to stop the guest from the console:


This line provides CHARON-AXP the ability to exit by pressing the "F6" key.



Improve granularity of emulated timer

The next configuration option can be applied for improving granularity of emulated CHARON-AXP timer:


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ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM configuration

If the sample configuration file provides this parameter, it is possible to map this particular CHARON-AXP emulator's "DQA0" CD-ROM to the host CD/DVD-ROM with the following setting:


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AlphaStation Sound Card (AD1848) configuration

If the sample configuration file provides this parameter, it is possible to load "PCXBJ" emulator of AlphaStation Sound Card (AD1848) with the following setting:


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CHARON-AXP supports DE435, DE450, DE500AA, DE500BA, DE602 and DE602AA virtual network adapters.


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Disk/tape subsystem

The next step is configuration of the disk/tape subsystem and mapping it to system resources using the samples given in the template configuration files.

CHARON-AXP supports KZPBA and KGPSA-CA adapters.

KZPBA PCI SCSI disk/tape controller

Below is the typical configuration options for KZPBA PCI SCSI disk/tape controller:


The first line ("load KZPBA PKA") loads disk controller KZPBA with name "PKA", followed by 8 group of lines showing different ways of mapping to the host resources:

Type of mappingDescription

Mapping to files representing physical disks of the HP Alpha system (disk images). 
These files can be created from scratch with "mkdskcmd" utility. Data and OS disk backups are transferred from the original system via tapes or network and restored into these container files. 
Mapping may also include the full path, for example: "/my_disks/my_boot_disk.vdisk" 


Mapping to physical disk. "L" is letter here. (warning) Be careful not to destroy all the information from the disk dedicated to CHARON-AXP by mistake.

These disks must not be formatted by the host OS.

(info) It is also possible to use not a whole disk, but previously created partitions on it. In this case the syntax is the following: "/dev/sd<L><N>" where N is the number of partition to be used.


Since "/dev/sd<L>" addressing is not persistent, it is strongly recommended to use "/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-*" syntax instead to refer the disk by its WWID - especially in the enviroments utilizing FC and SAN storages (see below).


Mapping to multipath disk. (warning) Be careful not to destroy all the information from the disk dedicated to CHARON-AXP by mistake.  

These disks must not be formatted by the host OS.


Mapping to physical disk.

  • by-id (addressing by the disk ID, for example "/dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST1000DM003-9YN162_S1D01QJ4")
  • by-label (addressing by the disk label, for example "/dev/disk/by-label/MyStorage")
  • by-uuid (addressing by the disk UUID, for example "/dev/disk/by-uuid/0e808a2f-cdd3-4944-a245-f729ffd73882")

(warning) Be careful not to destroy all the information from the disk dedicated to CHARON-AXP by mistake.

 These disks must not be formatted by the host OS.


Direct mapping to some SCSI device, for example, a SCSI disk or tape reader.

How to find proper "/dev/sg" device is explained in this section.


Mapping to host CD-ROM device.
"<file-name>.iso"Mapping to an ISO file for reading distribution CD-ROM image.
Mapping may also include the full path (recommended), for example: "/my_disks/vms_distributive.iso"
"<file-name>.vtape"Mapping to the file representing the tape (tape image).
These files are created automatically.
Mapping may also include a full path (recommended), for example: "/my_tapes/backup.vtape"

Additionally it is possible to specify a parameter "media_type" to assign the type of the attached media explicitly.


Numbers in the square brackets represent SCSI addresses and LUNs associated with each container of the KZBPA controller. They have the following structure:

[XXYY], where


Stands for SCSI ID of each connected unit.

(info) Note that KZPBA itself has some ID associated with it. By default it is 7, but it can be changed in the following way:

load KZPBA PKA scsi_id = 0

In this example an instance "PKA" of KZPBA controller is assigned with SCSI ID 0.

YY00...07Stands for LUN.


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KGPSA-CA PCI FC disk controller

Optionally it is possible to configure KGPSA-CA FC disk controller.

It can be configured in 2 modes:


Below is an example of KGPSA-CA controller loading:


Follow this link for details of KGPSA-CA controllers configuration.

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KGPSA-CA mapping to the host resources

Below is the typical configuration options for KGPSA-CA PCI FC disk controller, mapped to the host resources ("L" is letter here):


The first line ("load KGPSA FGA") loads disk controller KGPSA with name "FGA", followed by 2 groups of lines showing different ways of mapping to the host resources:

Type of mappingDescription
"<file-name>.vdisk"Mapping to the file representing a physical disk of the HP Alpha system (disk image). 
These files can be created from scratch with "mkdskcmd" utility. Data and OS disk backups are transferred from the original system via tapes or network and restored into these container files.
Mapping may also include the full path (recommended), for example: "/my_disks/my_boot_disk.vdisk

Mapping to physical disk. "L" is letter here (warning) Be careful not to destroy all the information from the disk dedicated to CHARON-AXP by mistake.

These disks must not be formatted by the host OS.

(info) It is also possible to use not a whole disk, but previously created partitions on it. In this case the syntax is the following: "/dev/sd<L><N>" where N is the number of partition to be used.


Since "/dev/sd<L>" addressing is not persistent, so it is strongly recommended to use "/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-*" syntax instead to refer the disk by its WWID - especially in the enviroments utilizing FC and SAN storages (see below).

Mapping to multipath disk. (warning) Be careful not to destroy all the information from the disk dedicated to CHARON-AXP by mistake.  

These disks must not be formatted by the host OS.


Mapping to physical disk.

  • by-id (addressing by the disk ID, for example "/dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST1000DM003-9YN162_S1D01QJ4")
  • by-label (addressing by the disk label, for example "/dev/disk/by-label/MyStorage")
  • by-uuid (addressing by the disk UUID, for example "/dev/disk/by-uuid/0e808a2f-cdd3-4944-a245-f729ffd73882")

(warning) Be careful not to destroy all the information from the disk dedicated to CHARON-AXP by mistake.

 These disks must not be formatted by the host OS.

Numbers in the square brackets represent KGPSA-CA units. They can be in the range 0..32766, but no more than 255 units can be configured on a single controller.

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KGPSA-CA pass through mode

It is also possible to use the emulated KGPSA-CA in "pass through" mode to address a physical EMULEX LightPulse PCI/PCI-X/PCIe FC adapter plugged into the host’s PCI/PCI-X/PCIe slot.


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Auto boot

CHARONCharon-AXP can be configured to automatically boot an operating system at start up by specifying the default boot device and setting the 'auto_action' parameter to 'restart' from the console.

Example: dka0 is defined as the default boot device

>>>P00>>>set bootdef_dev dka0
>>>P00>>>set auto_action restart

Network boot

Charon-AXP can be configured to boot on network if the legacy operating system allows it via MOP. MOPv3 (DECnet) and MOPv4 (LANCP) are supported.


P00>>>boot [-flags ...] [-file ...] ewa0

Both EW and EI adapters are supported for MOP network boot. 

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