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A CHARON-VAX emulated CPU is configured with the "ace_mode" parameter.

Two VAX CPU implementations are available: the standard VAX instruction decoder and the optional high performance Advanced CPU Emulation mode ("ACE"). The ACE option optimizes the VAX instruction interpretation and significantly improves performance. It also requires approximately twice the amount of host memory to store the optimized code.

ACE optimization is performed dynamically during execution. It does not need to write optimized code back to disk, ACE provides its full capability instantly. The optimization does not compromise the VAX instruction decoding; CHARON-VAX remains fully VAX hardware compatible and completely transparent to the VAX operating systems and applications.

Both CPU implementations passed the HP VAX Architecture (AXE) tests, the standard qualification for VAX instruction execution correctness.

The default VAX/PDP11 CPU mode is determined by the specific CHARON-VAX product license.













true or false.

This statement enables the ACE mode if the CHARON-VAX license permits it. If this statement is omitted from the CHARON-VAX configuration file and the license permits it, "true" is the default, otherwise "false" is the default. For test purposes the ACE mechanism can be disabled with:

set cpu ace_mode=false


"set cpu ace_mode=true" is ignored when the license does not permit ACE operation.

The CHARON-VAX log file displays the status of the ACE option.

The ACE mode is disabled when the host system does not meet the minimum physical requirements for this operation. If the emulator appears to not run at its normal performance, check the log file for a change in the ACE mode and verify that sufficient host resources, especially memory, are available.

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The CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP memory subsystem is permanently loaded and has the logical name "ram".




set ram size = 512


The amount of memory is capped at a maximum, this is defined in the CHARON license key. If the host system cannot allocate enough memory to map the requested emulated memory, CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP generates an error message in the log file and reduces its effective memory size.

The following table lists the values of emulated RAM for various hardware models of virtual VAX/PDP11 systems:



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CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP maintains its time and

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The CHARON-AXP CPU can be calibrated with "set ace" directive and the following parameters:



A CHARON-AXP emulated CPU is configured with the "enabled" command enabling the high performance Advanced CPU Emulation mode ("ACE"). The ACE option optimizes the HP Alpha instruction interpretation and significantly improves performance. It also requires approximately twice the amount of host memory allocated by CHARON instance itself to store the optimized code (Note that 2Gb of host memory + the amount of HP Alpha memory emulated per each CHARON instance is required).

ACE optimization is performed dynamically during execution. It does not need to write optimized code back to disk, ACE provides its full capability instantly. The optimization does not compromise the HP Alpha instruction decoding; CHARON-AXP remains fully HP Alpha hardware compatible and completely transparent to the HP Alpha operating systems and applications.

This configuration setting enables the ACE mode if the CHARON-AXP license permits it. If this configuration setting is omitted from the CHARON-AXP configuration file and the license permits it, "true" is the default, otherwise "false" is the default.


set ace enabled = false

"set ace enabled=true" is ignored when the license does not permit ACE operation.

The ACE mode is disabled when the host system does not meet the minimum physical requirements for this operation. If the emulator appears not to run at its normal performance, check the log file for a change in the ACE mode and verify that sufficient host resources, especially memory, are available.





Text String


Specifies the architecture of the virtual Alpha CPU. Can be one of the following: EV4, EV45, EV5, EV56, EV6, EV67, EV68


set ace cpu_architecture = EV6

Refer to this section to find an appropriate value of the HP Alpha architecture per each HP Alpha model supported by CHARON-AXP.





"cache_size" defines the amount of memory in megabytes allocated to the ACE cache.

The default value of the cache_size set to 1GB (1024 MB).


set ace cache_size=2048

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The CHARON-AXP memory subsystem is permanently loaded and has the logical name "ram" 


ValueSize of the emulated memory in MB.



set ram size = 2048


The amount of memory is capped at a maximum, this is defined in the CHARON license key. If the host system cannot allocate enough memory to map the requested emulated memory, CHARON-AXP generates an error message in the log file and reduces its effective memory size.



The following table lists the values of emulated RAM for various hardware models of virtual HP Alpha systems:

Hardware ModelRAM size (in MB)
AlphaServer 40064102451264
AlphaServer 8002568192512256
AlphaServer 10002561024512256
AlphaServer 1000A2561024512256
AlphaServer 120025632768512256
AlphaServer 200064204851264
AlphaServer 210064204851264

AlphaServer 4000

AlphaServer 4100643276851264
AlphaServer DS10643276851264
AlphaServer DS15643276851264
AlphaServer DS20643276851264
AlphaServer DS25643276851264
AlphaServer ES40643276851264
AlphaServer ES45643276851264
AlphaServer GS8025665536512256
AlphaServer GS160512131072512512
AlphaServer GS320102426214410241024

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CHARON-AXP maintains its time and date using the "toy" (time-of-year) component. In order to preserve the time and date while a virtual system is not running, the TOY component uses a binary file on the host system to store the date and time relevant data. The name of the file is specified by the “container” option of the "toy" component. 


Text string

Specifies a name for the file in which CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP AXP preserves the time and date during its “offline” period. This file also keeps some console parameters (such as the default boot device).

By default it is left unspecified.

(info) it is recommended to specify the full path to the TOY file.


set toy container="C:\Charon\my_virtual_system.dat"

The CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP time zone may be different from that of the host system. Correct CHARON time relies on the correctness of the host system time to calculate the duration of any CHARON “offline” periods. (i.e. while the virtual system is not running). Every time CHARON comes on line it calculates a Delta time (the system time is used if there is no TOY file). Therefore, if the host system time is changed while CHARON is not running, the CHARON time may be incorrect when CHARON is restarted and the CHARON time must be set manually.

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KW11-L and KW11-P Timers (PDP-11)

The KW11-L timer is used in PDP-11 system emulation. It supports a 50Hz, 60Hz and 70Hz frequency.

A time correction mechanism handles any time slips between the emulated and the host system time. The KW11-L frequency can be set in the configuration file as follows:

set kw11 frequency=50

For PDP-11 configurations this device is loaded automatically.

The KW11-P is a programmable timer for PDP-11 systems. The hardware KW11-P timer runs on a 100KHz clock and can be programmed to interrupt at any frequency up to 100KHz.

The software KW11-P implementation is limited to 1KHz due to the host operating system limitations; it can be programmed to interrupt at any frequency up to 1KHz.


The current implementation does not contain a way to handle a time slip recovery from the host system time. This can lead to time skew between the emulated and host system time when the programmed frequencies are not divisors of 1000.

The KW11-P is loaded automatically. It does not have any configuration file parameters because it is set by the PDP-11 software.


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The System Flash ROM file conserves specific parameters between reboots.



Specifies the name of a file in which CHARON-VAX stores an intermediate state of its Flash ROM. This state includes, for example, most of the console parameters.

By default it is left unspecified.

(info) it is recommended to specify the full path to this file


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PDP-11 Boot ROM

PDP-11 Boot ROM has two parameters: ‘ext_rom’ and ‘ext_rom_address’. Specify the external ROM file and offset within the file to load the ROM from. This feature allows changing the used boot ROM to a custom one.

ext_romText stringSpecifies a file containing external boot code


NumericSpecifies an offset to be used for the file specified by the ext_rom parameter


set rom ext_rom=”custom_rom.bin”
set rom ext_rom_address=0

The ROM file must contain a binary dump.

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set eeprom container=”C:\Charon\my_virtual_system.rom”

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Auto Boot

CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP systems can be configured to boot the operating system automatically at start up.

MicroVAX3100, VAXstation 4000, VAX6310 and VAX 4000

Those models boot automatically if the correct boot flags are set (and saved in the VAX console files) using the following command:


Determines whether the MicroVAX3100, VAXstation 4000, VAX6310 and VAX 4000 boot automatically if the correct boot flags are set (and saved in the VAX console files).

The value is:

  • "reboot"



Please check that the "toy container" and "rom container" parameters are specified in the configuration file to store the boot flags.


The ROM of the MicroVAX II, MicroVAX 3600, MicroVAX 3900, VAXserver 3600 and  VAXserver 3900 servers does not allow the VAX console to accept the command setting "auto-boot". Instead, an automatic boot on startup can be specified in the CHARON-VAX configuration file as follows:


  • "auto"


set bdr boot=auto
Check that the "toy container" and "rom container" parameters are specified in the configuration file to store the boot flags.

PDP11/93 and PDP11/94




set cpu_0 auto_boot = "DU0"


Check that the "toy container" and "rom container" parameters are specified in the configuration file to store the boot flags.





Determines whether the CHARON VAX66x0 startup procedure stops at the ">>>" prompt after self-tests.The values are:

  • "auto"

  • "manual" (default)


set xmi boot = "auto"
The value "autoenables automatic boot from a default boot specification, previously configured in the VAX console.The value "manual" disables the automatic boot once the self tests are passed.
Check that the "toy container" and "rom container" parameters are specified in the configuration file to store the boot flags.



TypeText string

Specifies whether and how the guest OS time is synchronized with the CHARON host time.


set TOY sync_to_host = "{as_vms | as_tru64 | as_is}[, nowrite]"


as_vmsIf the guest OS is OpenVMS/AXP and its date and time must be set to the host's date and time each time it boots.
as_tru64If the guest OS is Tru64 UNIX and its date and time must be set to the host's date and time each time it boots.
as_isIf the TOY date and time must be set to the host's UTC date and time
nowriteDisable undesirable updates to the TOY from the guest OS.


set TOY sync_to_host = "as_vms, nowrite"

To synchronize the guest OS with TOY, use the following commands (from "SYSTEM"/"root" account):

$ set time
# date -u `consvar -g date | cut -f 3 -d ' '`

The default value is "not specified" - it means that by default CHARON does not synchronize its guest OS time with the CHARON host time but collects date and time from the file specified with "container" parameter.

(warning) If "sync_to_host" parameter is specified there is no need to specify "container" parameter in addition.


set toy container="C:\Charon\my_virtual_system.dat"

The CHARON-AXP time zone may be different from that of the host system. Correct CHARON time relies on the correctness of the host system time to calculate the duration of any CHARON “offline” periods. (i.e. while the virtual system is not running). Every time CHARON comes on line it calculates a Delta time (the system time is used if there is no TOY file). Therefore, if the host system time is changed while CHARON is not running, the CHARON time may be incorrect when CHARON is restarted and the CHARON time must be set manually.

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The System Flash ROM file conserves specific parameters between reboots.


TypeText string

Specifies the name of a file in which CHARON-AXP stores an intermediate state of its Flash ROM. This state includes, for example, most of the console parameters.

By default it is left unspecified.

(info) it is recommended to specify the full path to this file


set rom container="C:\Charon\my_virtual_system.rom"


TypeText string

Allows changing the system name, for example:

set rom system_name="Alpha Server 1000 4/200"

Refer to this section to find an appropriate value of the HP Alpha system name per each HP Alpha model supported by CHARON-AXP


TypeText string

Allows changing the system serial number, for example:

set rom system_serial_number = NY12345678

Any sequence of characters can be used as a serial number. Sequences longer than 16 symbols are truncated to 16 symbols.

Serial Numbers should be according to DEC standard: 10 characters. First two characters are capital letters, remaining 8 characters are decimal digits.

By default it is set to SN01234567



DSRDB - Dynamic System Recognition Data Block. These parameters allow changing the emulated hardware model type.

dsrdb[0] stands for SMM - System Marketing Model.


set rom dsrdb[0]=1090

This section describes connection between "dsrdb" parameter and the rest of the parameters defining an exact HP Alpha model - including SMM.


TypeText string

Sets Console and PAL code versions in the following way:

Set SRM Console version to X.Y-Z
set rom version[0] = x.y-z
Set OpenVMS PAL code version to X.Y-Z
set rom version[1] = x.y-z
Set Tru64 UNIX PAL code version to X.Y-Z
set rom version[2] = x.y-z


set rom version[0] = 7.3-1 version[1] = 1.98-104 version[2] = 1.92-105


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Virtual HP Alpha interval timer

The CHARON-AXP provides interval timer interrupts to virtual Alpha CPU(s) at frequency 100Hz (100 interrupts a second).

This is default behavior which may be changed through “clock_period” configuration parameter of virtual ISA or EISA bus, depending on emulated hardware model of virtual HP Alpha system.

Value of the parameter is interval timer period in microseconds. By default it is set to 10000. By changing it to 1000 frequency of virtual interval timer interrupts may be increased to 1000Hz (1000 interrupts per second).



Specifies period of interval timer, in microseconds. Only two values are supported:

  • 10000 (which corresponds to 100Hz interval timer)
  • 1000 (which corresponds to 1000Hz interval timer)

By default it is set to 10000.

Example for AlphaServer 400, DS, ES, GS

set ISA clock_period=1000

Example for AlphaServer 800, 1000, 1000A, 1200, 2000, 2100, 4000, 4100

set EISA clock_period=1000

(warning) Higher interval timer frequency creates higher load for virtual Alpha CPU which may cause degradation of overall virtual system performance.

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Setting of a particular HP Alpha model

It is important to have the "system_name", "hw_model", "cpu_architecture" and "dsrdb[n]" (DSRDB - Dynamic System Recognition Data Block) parameters in sync. (see above for details) to configure CHARON-AXP for emulation of a particular HP Alpha model.

The following tables illustrate how to synchronize those values:

HP AlphaStation 200 - 400

set session hw_model=set rom system_name=set ace cpu_architecture=set rom dsrdb[0]=
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 200 4/100EV41156
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 200 4/133EV41088
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 205 4/133EV41250
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 255 4/133EV41257
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 200 4/166EV41087
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 205 4/166EV41251
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 255 4/166EV41258
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 400 4/166EV41086
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 205 4/200EV41252
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 255 4/200EV41259
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 200 4/233EV451151
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 205 4/233EV451253
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 255 4/233EV451260
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 400 4/233EV451152
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 205 4/266EV451254
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 255 4/266EV451261
AlphaServer_400AlphaServer 300 4/266EV451593
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 400 4/266EV451153
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 400 4/266EV451154
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 200 4/300EV451157
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 205 4/300EV451255
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 255 4/300EV451262
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 400 4/300EV451160
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 205 4/333EV451256
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 255 4/333EV451263


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HP AlphaServer 600 - 800

set session hw_model=set rom system_name=set ace cpu_architecture=set rom dsrdb[0]=
AlphaServer_800AlphaServer 600 5/333EV561310
AlphaServer_800AlphaServer 800 5/333EV561310
AlphaServer_800AlphaServer 800 5/400EV561584
AlphaServer_800AlphaStation 600A 5/500EV561590
AlphaServer_800AlphaServer 800 5/500EV561585

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HP AlphaServer 1000

set session hw_model=set rom system_name=set ace cpu_architecture=set rom dsrdb[0]=
AlphaServer_1000AlphaServer 1000 4/200EV41090
AlphaServer_1000AlphaServer 1000 4/233EV451091
AlphaServer_1000AlphaServer 1000 4/266EV451264

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HP AlphaServer 1000A

set session hw_model=set rom system_name=set ace cpu_architecture=set rom dsrdb[0]=
AlphaServer_1000AAlphaServer 1000A 4/266EV451265

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HP AlphaServer 1200 and AlphaStation 1200

set session hw_model=set rom system_name=set ace cpu_architecture=set rom dsrdb[0]=
AlphaServer_1200AlphaServer 1200 5/300EV51722
AlphaServer_1200AlphaServer 1200 5/300EV51724
AlphaServer_1200AlphaServer 1200 5/400EV561726
AlphaServer_1200AlphaServer 1200 5/400EV561728
AlphaServer_1200AlphaStation 1200 5/400EV561758
AlphaServer_1200AlphaStation 1200 5/400EV561760
AlphaServer_1200AlphaServer 1200 5/466EV561730
AlphaServer_1200AlphaServer 1200 5/466EV561732
AlphaServer_1200AlphaStation 1200 5/466EV561762
AlphaServer_1200AlphaStation 1200 5/466EV561764
AlphaServer_1200AlphaServer 1200 5/533EV561734
AlphaServer_1200AlphaServer 1200 5/533EV561736
AlphaServer_1200AlphaServer 1200 5/533EV561746
AlphaServer_1200AlphaServer 1200 5/533EV561748
AlphaServer_1200AlphaStation 1200 5/533EV561766
AlphaServer_1200AlphaStation 1200 5/533EV561768
AlphaServer_1200AlphaStation 1200 5/533EV561778
AlphaServer_1200AlphaStation 1200 5/533EV561780
AlphaServer_1200AlphaServer 1200 5/600EV561738
AlphaServer_1200AlphaServer 1200 5/600EV561740
AlphaServer_1200AlphaServer 1200 5/600EV561750
AlphaServer_1200AlphaStation 1200 5/600EV561752
AlphaServer_1200AlphaStation 1200 5/600EV561770
AlphaServer_1200AlphaStation 1200 5/600EV561772
AlphaServer_1200AlphaStation 1200 5/600EV561782
AlphaServer_1200AlphaStation 1200 5/600EV561784
AlphaServer_1200AlphaServer 1200 5/666EV561742
AlphaServer_1200AlphaServer 1200 5/666EV561744
AlphaServer_1200AlphaServer 1200 5/666EV561754
AlphaServer_1200AlphaServer 1200 5/666EV561756
AlphaServer_1200AlphaStation 1200 5/666EV561774
AlphaServer_1200AlphaStation 1200 5/666EV561776
AlphaServer_1200AlphaStation 1200 5/666EV561786
AlphaServer_1200AlphaStation 1200 5/666EV561788

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HP AlphaServer 2000

set session hw_model=set rom system_name=set ace cpu_architecture=set rom dsrdb[0]=
AlphaServer_2000AlphaServer 2000 4/200EV41123
AlphaServer_2000AlphaServer 2000 4/233EV451171
AlphaServer_2000AlphaServer 2000 4/275EV451127

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HP AlphaServer 2100

set session hw_model=set rom system_name=set ace cpu_architecture=set rom dsrdb[0]=
AlphaServer_2100AlphaServer 2100 4/200EV41059
AlphaServer_2100AlphaServer 2100 4/200EV41135
AlphaServer_2100AlphaServer 2100 4/233EV451179
AlphaServer_2100AlphaServer 2100 4/233EV451187
AlphaServer_2100AlphaServer 2100 4/275EV451115
AlphaServer_2100AlphaServer 2100 4/275EV451139

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HP AlphaServer 4000

set session hw_model=set rom system_name=set ace cpu_architecture=set rom dsrdb[0]=
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/266EV51409
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/266EV51411
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/266EV51421
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/266EV51423
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/266EV51433
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/266EV51435
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/266EV51445
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/266EV51447
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/300EV51413
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/300EV51415
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/300EV51425
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/300EV51427
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/300EV51437
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/300EV51439
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/300EV51449
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/300EV51451
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/400EV561417
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/400EV561419
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/400EV561429
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/400EV561431
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/400EV561441
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/400EV561443
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/400EV561453
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/400EV561455
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/466EV561634
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/466EV561636
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/466EV561654
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/466EV561656
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/533EV561638
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/533EV561640
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/533EV561642
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/533EV561644
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/533EV561658
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/533EV561660
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/533EV561662
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/533EV561664
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/600EV561646
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/600EV561648
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/600EV561666
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/600EV561668
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/666EV561650
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/666EV561652
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/666EV561670
AlphaServer_4000AlphaServer 4000 5/666EV561672

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HP AlphaServer 4100

set session hw_model=set rom system_name=set ace cpu_architecture=set rom dsrdb[0]=
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/266EV51313
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/266EV51317
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/266EV51337
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/266EV51341
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/266EV51361
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/266EV51365
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/266EV51385
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/266EV51389
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/300EV51321
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/300EV51325
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/300EV51345
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/300EV51349
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/300EV51369
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/300EV51373
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/300EV51393
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/300EV51397
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/400EV561329
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/400EV561333
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4000 5/400EV561353
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4000 5/400EV561357
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4000 5/400EV561377
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/400EV561381
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/400EV561401
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/400EV561405
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/466EV561594
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/466EV561598
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/533EV561602
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/533EV561606
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/533EV561610
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/533EV561614
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/600EV561618
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/600EV561622
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/666EV561626
AlphaServer_4100AlphaServer 4100 5/666EV561630

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HP AlphaServer/AlphaStation DS10 and HP AlphaServer DS10L

set session hw_model=set rom system_name=set ace cpu_architecture=set rom dsrdb[0]=
AlphaServer_DS10AlphaServer DS10 6/466EV61839
AlphaServer_DS10AlphaStation DS10 6/466EV61879
AlphaServer_DS10AlphaStation XP900 6/466EV61879
AlphaServer_DS10LAlphaServer DS10L 6/466EV61961
AlphaServer_DS10LAlphaServer DS10L 67/616EV671962
AlphaServer_DS10AlphaStation DS10 67/616EV671962
AlphaServer_DS10AlphaServer DS10 67/616EV671970

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HP AlphaServer DS15 and HP AlphaStation DS15

set session hw_model=set rom system_name=set ace cpu_architecture=set rom dsrdb[0]=
AlphaServer_DS15AlphaServer DS15 68CB/1000EV682047
AlphaServer_DS15AlphaStation DS15 68CB/1000EV682048
AlphaServer_DS15AlphaServer TS15 68CB/1000EV682049

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HP AlphaServer DS20 and HP AlphaStation DS20

set session hw_model=set rom system_name=set ace cpu_architecture=set rom dsrdb[0]=
AlphaServer_DS20AlphaServer DS20 6/500EV61838
AlphaServer_DS20AlphaServer DS20E 6/500EV61840
AlphaServer_DS20AlphaServer DS20 6/500EV61920
AlphaServer_DS20AlphaServer DS20 6/500EV61921
AlphaServer_DS20AlphaServer DS20E 67/667EV671939
AlphaServer_DS20AlphaStation DS20E 6/500EV61941
AlphaServer_DS20AlphaStation DS20E 67/667EV571943
AlphaServer_DS20AlphaServer DS20E 68A/833EV681964
AlphaServer_DS20AlphaServer DS20E 68A/833EV681982
AlphaServer_DS20AlphaServer DS20L 68A/833EV682006

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HP AlphaServer DS25 and HP AlphaStation DS25

set session hw_model=set rom system_name=set ace cpu_architecture=set rom dsrdb[0]=
AlphaServer_DS25AlphaServer DS25 68CB/1000EV681994
AlphaServer_DS25AlphaStation DS25 68CB/1000EV681995

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HP AlphaServer ES40 and AlphaStation ES40

set session hw_model=set rom system_name=set ace cpu_architecture=set rom dsrdb[0]=
AlphaServer_ES40AlphaServer ES40 6/500EV61813
AlphaServer_ES40AlphaServer ES40 6/500EV61861
AlphaServer_ES40AlphaServer ES40 6/500EV61869
AlphaServer_ES40AlphaServer ES40 6/500EV61923
AlphaServer_ES40AlphaServer ES40 6/500EV61931
AlphaServer_ES40AlphaServer ES40 6/667EV61817
AlphaServer_ES40AlphaServer ES40 6/667EV61865
AlphaServer_ES40AlphaServer ES40 6/667EV61873
AlphaServer_ES40AlphaServer ES40 6/667EV61927
AlphaServer_ES40AlphaServer ES40 6/667EV61935
AlphaServer_ES40AlphaStation ES40 67/667EV671949
AlphaServer_ES40AlphaStation ES40 67/667EV671957
AlphaServer_ES40AlphaStation ES40 68/833EV681984
AlphaServer_ES40AlphaStation ES40 68/833EV681988

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HP AlphaServer ES45

set session hw_model=set rom system_name=set ace cpu_architecture=set rom dsrdb[0]=
AlphaServer_ES45AlphaServer ES45/3B 68CB/1000EV681971
AlphaServer_ES45AlphaServer ES45/2 68CB/1000EV681975
AlphaServer_ES45AlphaServer ES45/2B 68CB/1000EV681975
AlphaServer_ES45AlphaServer ES45/1B 68CB/1000EV682002
AlphaServer_ES45AlphaServer ES45/3B 68CB/1250EV682013
AlphaServer_ES45AlphaServer ES45/2 68CB/1250EV682017
AlphaServer_ES45AlphaServer ES45/2B 68CB/1250EV682017
AlphaServer_ES45AlphaServer ES45/1B 68CB/1250EV682021

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HP AlphaServer GS80

set session hw_model=set rom system_name=set ace cpu_architecture=set rom dsrdb[0]=set rom dsrdb[1]=set rom dsrdb[4]=
AlphaServer_GS80AlphaServer GS80 67/728EV671967  
AlphaServer_GS80AlphaServer GS1280EV672038503050

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HP AlphaServer GS160

set session hw_model=set rom system_name=set ace cpu_architecture=set rom dsrdb[0]=set rom dsrdb[1]=set rom dsrdb[4]=
AlphaServer_GS160AlphaServer GS160 67/728EV671968  
AlphaServer_GS160AlphaServer GS1280EV672039503050

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HP AlphaServer GS320

set session hw_model=set rom system_name=set ace cpu_architecture=set rom dsrdb[0]=set rom dsrdb[1]=set rom dsrdb[4]=
AlphaServer_GS320AlphaServer GS320 67/728EV671969  
AlphaServer_GS320AlphaServer GS1280EV672040503050

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Auto Boot

CHARON-AXP systems can be configured to boot the operating system automatically at start up.

auto_action restart

Parameterauto_action restart
TypeText string

Determines whether CHARON-AXP boots automatically if the correct boot flags are set (and saved in the HP Alpha console files).


>>>set bootdef_dev dka0
>>>set auto_action restart


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Setting System Marketing Model (SMM)

CHARON-AXP allows to set an exact System Marketing Model (SMM) for a given model of HP Alpha, for example:

set rom dsrdb[0]=1090

Refer to this section to find allowed values of SMM per each HP Alpha model supported by CHARON-AXP.

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