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c:\Windows\system32>C:\charon\charon_cleanshutdown.ps1 -config C:\charon\pluto_tru64.ini

Charon clean shutdown

Name            Value
----            -----

cryptedpass     C:\Charon\pluto_pwd.txt
mode            opa0
os              Tru64
port            10005
prompt          pluto5#
servicename     pluto
timelimitsec    180
username        root

18:19:17 [INFO ] Using 'C:\Program Files\CHARON\Virtual Machines\pluto\pluto-SHUTDOWN-2020-06-02-18-19-17-000000000.log' as logfile / one log file per script execution

18:19:17 [INFO ] Defined symbolic link 'C:\Program Files\CHARON\Virtual Machines\pluto\pluto-SHUTDOWN.log'

18:19:17 [INFO ] Using 'C:\charon\pluto_tru64.ini' as configuration file

18:19:17 [INFO ] Execution date : 02-Jun-2020 18:19:17

18:19:17 [INFO ] Script version : 02-Jun-20 V2.1 (MD5: ED6D76E7CCC3F0016C34D88BADE4EC1A )

18:19:17 [INFO ] Powershell version : 5.1.18362.752

18:19:17 [INFO ] Computer name : WIN10-MAIN

18:19:17 [INFO ] Username : bruno

18:19:17 [INFO ] Windows version : Microsoft Windows 10 Pro

18:19:17 [INFO ] Administrator mode : True

18:19:17 [INFO ] Windows shutdown scripts:

18:19:17 [INFO ] - Hide execution : False

18:19:17 [INFO ] - Maximum duration : 7 minutes 30 seconds

18:19:17 [INFO ] - Exec position#1 : c:\charon\myds20vms.ini

18:19:17 [INFO ] - Exec position#2 : c:\charon\pluto_tru64.ini (!)

18:19:17 [INFO ]

18:19:17 [INFO ] 'opa0' will be used

18:19:17 [INFO ] Service 'pluto' is Running (Display name: pluto)

18:19:17 [INFO ] Using crypted password stored in 'C:\Charon\pluto_pwd.txt'.

18:19:17 [INFO ] No putty session active.

18:19:17 [INFO ] Connecting to OPA0 console, port 10005

18:19:17 [INFO ] Sending CRLF...

18:19:17 [INFO ] Time limit: 18:22:17. Seconds remaining: 180

18:19:21 [RCVD ]

18:19:21 [RCVD ] pluto5#

18:19:21 [RCVD ] pluto5#

18:19:21 [INFO ] Got: [pluto5# ]

18:19:21 [INFO ] Found prompt.

18:19:21 [INFO ] Send Tru64 shutdown...

18:19:21 [INFO ] Command sent

18:19:26 [INFO ] Time limit: 18:22:17. Seconds remaining: 171

18:19:29 [RCVD ] /sbin/init 0;echo RESULT=$?

18:19:29 [RCVD ] RESULT=0

18:19:29 [INFO ] Remote command succeeded

18:19:29 [RCVD ] pluto5# pluto5#

18:19:29 [RCVD ] pluto5#

18:19:29 [INFO ] Got: [pluto5# ]

18:19:29 [INFO ] Found prompt, waiting for shutdown to start or complete...

18:19:34 [INFO ] Time limit: 18:22:17. Seconds remaining: 163

18:19:38 [RCVD ]

18:19:38 [RCVD ] INIT: New run level: 0

18:19:38 [RCVD ] The system is coming down. Please wait...

18:19:38 [RCVD ] Logins disabled

18:19:38 [RCVD ] Stopping Zabbix agent...

18:19:38 [RCVD ]

18:19:38 [INFO ] Got: [Stopping Zabbix agent...]

18:19:38 [INFO ] Case unknown: [Stopping Zabbix agent...]. Retrying...

18:19:40 [INFO ] Time limit: 18:22:17. Seconds remaining: 157

18:19:43 [RCVD ] Zabbix agent stopped.

18:19:43 [RCVD ]

18:19:43 [INFO ] Got: [Zabbix agent stopped.]

18:19:43 [INFO ] Case unknown: [Zabbix agent stopped.]. Retrying...

18:19:45 [INFO ] Time limit: 18:22:17. Seconds remaining: 152

18:19:49 [RCVD ] LAT stopped.

18:19:49 [RCVD ] Unmounting NFS filesystems

18:19:49 [RCVD ] The interface tu0, does not exist.

18:19:49 [RCVD ]

18:19:49 [RCVD ] Halting processes ...

18:19:49 [RCVD ]

18:19:49 [INFO ] Got: [Halting processes ...]

18:19:49 [INFO ] Halting processes ...

18:19:49 [INFO ] Time limit: 18:22:17. Seconds remaining: 148

18:19:52 [INFO ] Timeout #1...

18:19:54 [INFO ] Time limit: 18:22:17. Seconds remaining: 143

18:19:58 [RCVD ] The system is down.

18:19:58 [RCVD ]

18:19:58 [INFO ] Got: [The system is down.]

18:19:58 [INFO ] The system is down.

18:19:58 [INFO ] Time limit: 18:22:17. Seconds remaining: 139

18:20:01 [INFO ] Timeout #1...

18:20:03 [INFO ] Time limit: 18:22:17. Seconds remaining: 134

18:20:07 [RCVD ] /proc: Invalid argument

18:20:07 [RCVD ] ....Halt completed....

18:20:07 [RCVD ] syncing disks... done

18:20:07 [RCVD ] CPU 0: Halting... (transferring to monitor)

18:20:07 [RCVD ]

18:20:07 [RCVD ] halted CPU 1

18:20:07 [RCVD ]

18:20:07 [RCVD ]

18:20:07 [RCVD ] halted CPU 0

18:20:07 [RCVD ]

18:20:07 [RCVD ] halt code = 5

18:20:07 [RCVD ] HALT instruction executed

18:20:07 [RCVD ] PC = fffffc00006bde70

18:20:07 [RCVD ] P00>>>

18:20:07 [INFO ] Got: [P00>>>]

18:20:07 [INFO ] Sending 'power off'...

18:20:08 [INFO ] Service pluto is stopped

18:20:08 [INFO ] Script ended.

(question) RCVD messages correspond to the received data from the OPA0 console.



c:\Windows\system32>C:\charon\charon_cleanshutdown.ps1 -config C:\charon\myds20vms.ini

Charon clean shutdown

Name            Value
----            -----

cryptedpass     C:\Charon\myds20vms_cryptpass.txt
mode            opa0
os              VMS
port            10007
prompt          VMS084>
servicename     ds20vms
timelimitsec    180
username        system
waitbeforestop  10
windowheight    50
windowwidth     132

18:24:38 [INFO ] Using 'C:\Program Files\CHARON\Virtual Machines\ds20vms\ds20vms-SHUTDOWN-2020-06-02-18-24-38-000000000.log' as
log file / one log file per script execution
18:24:38 [INFO ] Defined symbolic link 'C:\Program Files\CHARON\Virtual Machines\ds20vms\ds20vms-SHUTDOWN.log'
18:24:38 [INFO ] Using 'C:\charon\myds20vms.ini' as configuration file
18:24:38 [INFO ] Execution date : 02-Jun-2020 18:24:38
18:24:38 [INFO ] Script version : 02-Jun-20 V2.1 (MD5: ED6D76E7CCC3F0016C34D88BADE4EC1A )
18:24:38 [INFO ] Powershell version : 5.1.18362.752
18:24:38 [INFO ] Computer name : WIN10-MAIN
18:24:38 [INFO ] Username : bruno
18:24:38 [INFO ] Windows version : Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
18:24:38 [INFO ] Administrator mode : True
18:24:38 [INFO ] Windows shutdown scripts:
18:24:38 [INFO ] - Hide execution : False
18:24:38 [INFO ] - Maximum duration : 7 minutes 30 seconds
18:24:38 [INFO ] - Exec position#1 : c:\charon\myds20vms.ini (!)
18:24:38 [INFO ] - Exec position#2 : c:\charon\pluto_tru64.ini
18:24:38 [INFO ]
18:24:38 [INFO ] 'opa0' will be used
18:24:38 [INFO ] Service 'ds20vms' is Running (Display name: ds20vms)
18:24:38 [INFO ] Using crypted password stored in 'C:\Charon\myds20vms_cryptpass.txt'.
18:24:38 [INFO ] No putty session active.
18:24:38 [INFO ] Connecting to OPA0 console, port 10007
18:24:38 [INFO ] Sending CRLF...
18:24:38 [INFO ] Time limit: 18:27:38. Seconds remaining: 180
18:24:42 [RCVD ]
18:24:42 [RCVD ]
18:24:42 [RCVD ] Welcome to OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System, Version V8.4
18:24:42 [RCVD ]
18:24:42 [RCVD ] Username:
18:24:42 [INFO ] Got: [Username: ]
18:24:42 [INFO ] Sending VMS username...
18:24:42 [INFO ] Username sent
18:24:42 [INFO ] Time limit: 18:27:38. Seconds remaining: 176
18:24:45 [RCVD ] system
18:24:45 [RCVD ] Password:
18:24:45 [INFO ] Got: [Password: ]
18:24:45 [INFO ] Sending password, try #1 of 3
18:24:45 [INFO ] Password sent
18:24:47 [INFO ] Time limit: 18:27:38. Seconds remaining: 171
18:24:51 [RCVD ]
18:24:51 [RCVD ] Welcome to OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System, Version V8.4
18:24:51 [RCVD ] Last interactive login on Tuesday, 2-JUN-2020 17:23:59.38
18:24:51 [RCVD ] Last non-interactive login on Friday, 15-MAY-2020 11:34:51.97[c\Z
18:24:51 [INFO ] Got: [ Last non-interactive login on Friday, 15-MAY-2020 11:34:51.97[c\Z]
18:24:51 [INFO ] Case unknown: [ Last non-interactive login on Friday, 15-MAY-2020 11:34:51.97[c\Z]. Retrying...
18:24:53 [INFO ] Time limit: 18:27:38. Seconds remaining: 165
18:24:56 [RCVD ] [0c
18:24:56 [INFO ] Got: [[0c]
18:24:56 [INFO ] Case unknown: [[0c]. Retrying...
18:24:58 [INFO ] Time limit: 18:27:38. Seconds remaining: 160
18:25:02 [RCVD ]
18:25:02 [RCVD ] %SET-W-NOTSET, error modifying OPA0:
18:25:02 [RCVD ] -SET-I-UNKTERM, unknown terminal type[c\Z
18:25:02 [INFO ] Got: [-SET-I-UNKTERM, unknown terminal type[c\Z]
18:25:02 [INFO ] Case unknown: [-SET-I-UNKTERM, unknown terminal type[c\Z]. Retrying...
18:25:04 [INFO ] Time limit: 18:27:38. Seconds remaining: 154
18:25:07 [RCVD ] [0c
18:25:07 [INFO ] Got: [[0c]
18:25:07 [INFO ] Case unknown: [[0c]. Retrying...
18:25:09 [INFO ] Time limit: 18:27:38. Seconds remaining: 149
18:25:13 [RCVD ]
18:25:13 [RCVD ] %SET-W-NOTSET, error modifying OPA0:
18:25:13 [RCVD ] -SET-I-UNKTERM, unknown terminal type
18:25:13 [RCVD ] VMS084>
18:25:13 [INFO ] Got: [ VMS084> ]
18:25:13 [INFO ] Found prompt.
18:25:13 [INFO ] Sending VMS shutdown...
18:25:13 [INFO ] Command sent
18:25:18 [INFO ] Time limit: 18:27:38. Seconds remaining: 140
18:25:21 [RCVD ] %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 00000125
18:25:21 [RCVD ] $ ENDIF
18:25:21 [RCVD ] $ ENDIF
18:25:21 [RCVD ] $ EXIT
18:25:21 [RCVD ] VMS084>
18:25:21 [RCVD ]
18:25:21 [RCVD ]
18:25:21 [RCVD ] SHUTDOWN -- Perform an Orderly System Shutdown
18:25:21 [RCVD ] on node VMS084
18:25:21 [RCVD ]
18:25:21 [RCVD ]
18:25:21 [RCVD ] %SHUTDOWN-I-OPERATOR, this terminal is now an operator's console
18:25:21 [RCVD ] %SHUTDOWN-I-DISLOGINS, interactive logins will now be disabled
18:25:21 [RCVD ] %SET-I-INTSET, login interactive limit = 0, current interactive value = 1
18:25:21 [RCVD ] %SHUTDOWN-I-STOPQUEUES, the queues on this node will now be stopped
18:25:21 [RCVD ]
18:25:21 [RCVD ] SHUTDOWN message on VMS084 from user SYSTEM at VMS084 Batch 17:25:30
18:25:21 [RCVD ] VMS084 will shut down in 0 minutes; back up LATER. Please log off node VMS084.
18:25:21 [RCVD ] SHUTDOWN
18:25:21 [RCVD ]

... (truncated)
18:25:22 [RCVD ] %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 2-JUN-2020 17:25:33.68 %%%%%%%%%%%
18:25:22 [RCVD ] Message from user SYSTEM on VMS084
18:25:22 [RCVD ] %SECSRV-I-SERVERSHUTDOWN, security server shutting down
18:25:22 [RCVD ]
18:25:22 [RCVD ] VMS084>
18:25:22 [INFO ] Got: [ VMS084> ]
18:25:22 [INFO ] Found prompt, waiting for shutdown to start or complete...
18:25:27 [INFO ] Time limit: 18:27:38. Seconds remaining: 131
18:25:30 [RCVD ]
18:25:30 [RCVD ]
18:25:30 [RCVD ]
18:25:30 [RCVD ]
18:25:30 [RCVD ] halted CPU 0
18:25:30 [RCVD ]
18:25:30 [RCVD ] halt code = 5
18:25:30 [RCVD ] HALT instruction executed
18:25:30 [RCVD ] PC = ffffffff8008fa84
18:25:30 [RCVD ] P00>>>
18:25:30 [INFO ] Got: [P00>>>]
18:25:30 [INFO ] Sending 'power off'...
18:25:31 [INFO ] Service ds20vms is stopped
18:25:31 [INFO ] Script ended.

(question) RCVD messages correspond to the received data from the OPA0 console.
