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  • Define the correct license ID(s) in the emulator configuration file. This is different for the different products. For details see Support for Handling Multiple License Keys and Product Licenses. This solution requires that guest system and emulator be restarted.
  • If the incorrect license is a network license served by another host, you can also block the access to this license either using an Sentinel ACC entry or by a firewall configuration. If using ACC, it is best to disallow the address of the emulator host incorrectly accessing the license in
    Sentinel ACC > Configuration > Access from remote clients on the license server side,
    because newer emulator products do not follow the Sentinel ACC settings to disable access to remote licenses configured on the client side.


  • upgrade the Charon software to a version supporting the combination of local licenses to increase the instance number (versions starting with Charon-AXP/VAX 4.9 and Charon-PAR 1.10), or
  • combine the required instances on one license dongle and change the second dongle to be a backup for the first dongle.

Please note: Stromasys may require the customer to cover operational costs associated with the license updates or other incurred cost.


Sentinel ACC Shows Duplicate Key ID or Sharing Violation

Versions affected: all Charon emulator products that use HASP licenses


  • A Charon system on which a software license is installed, is duplicated.
  • A USB network dongle is served by a host system and passed into a VM (e.g. VMware) where it is also served over the network.
  • A non-network USB dongle is used by a host system and passed into a VM (e.g. VMware) where it is also used.

Problem Symptom

In case of a Duplicate Key ID, the emulator on the original system may start normally (see section regarding Sentinel HASP RunTime Error 38 above for possible additional problem). However, Sentinel ACC shows that there is a duplicate license.

Problem Cause

The problem can have several causes:

  1. A cloned system with a software license that is brought up in the same LAN as the original system with the license service active and without having removed the software license.
    1. By default, both systems will serve the software license on the network.
    2. If the original system sees the license served by the cloned system, it will report a duplicate license ID.
    3. If the cloned system sees the license served by the original system, it will also report a duplicate license ID. But in addition, the software license will be in cloned state and unusable on the cloned system.
  2. A USB network dongle that is served over the network by a host system and passed into a VM (e.g. VMware) from where it is also served over the network will lead to a duplicate license ID being reported.
  3. A non-network USB dongle is used by the host operating system and passed on to a VM, ACC shows a Sharing violation on the host system and the license will become unusable (error logged that license cannot be used due to sharing).

Problem Solution

If the problem is caused by cloning a system with a software license, follow the steps described in Removing a License to remove the cloned license.

For hardware dongles, ensure that only one system can use the dongle.


Network License Lost After Second NIC Added to License Server

Versions affected: all Charon emulator products that use HASP licenses


  • An additional NIC is added to a license server and connected to the same LAN on which the license is served.
  • The additional NIC receives an IP address in the same LAN.
  • A license client is configured to access the license via the IP address of the first NIC.

Problem Symptom

License clients can no longer access the license served across the network.

Problem Cause

When two NICs with an IP address are connected to the same LAN, it can happen that the license requests are received on one interface and answered on the second. Thus the license client receives an answer from an unexpected address causing the license to be rejected.

Problem Solution

If the second NIC is not required, it can be disabled to fix the problem.

If the second NIC is required, policy routing rules and a non-default routing table must be configured. See RedHat policy-based routing description.

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