The license server software requires a specific VPC-capable variant of the Charon-SSP software (Charon-SSP VPC version 4.2.x). The tests in this guide were performed with a pre-release of version 4.2. For a full description of Charon-SSP version 4.2 aspects that are not related to the specifics of the VPC license application, please refer to the full user's guide of your product variant.
The document contains the following sections:
- Charon-SSP VPC License Server Overview: brief overview of license server topologies.
- Installing the VPC License Server Software: installation of the VPC license server software in cloud and ESXi (<tbd>) environments.
- Installing a License on the VPC License Server: steps for requesting and installing a Charon-SSP product license on the VPC license server.
- Configuring VPC License Server on Charon-SSP: steps for configuring Charon-SSP to use the VPC license server.
- Operational Information: information that may be helpful when operating a VPC license server. For example, log file locations and samples.
- Updating a VPC License: steps for updating a VPC license, for example, when the expiration date aproaches.
- Additional Information: supplemental information about installing a Linux cloud instance, about installing and starting the Charon Manager on a Linux or Windows management system, and about cloud-specific firewall considerations.