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General parameters
CHARON-AXP console lines COM1 and COM2 have the following parameters:
All the values in the following tables are case insensitive.
Parameter | alias |
Type | Identifier |
Value | This parameter is used to set an useful name for COM1 or COM2 ports. It can be any name, for example "Console1", but usually it is "OPA0" for COM1 and "TTA0" for COM2. This name is logged in CHARON log file, it can also be used for parametrization in CHARON configuration file along with "COM1" and "COM2" identifiers. The main purpose of this parameter is migration from old CHARON systems (which do not have the described implementation of consoles) to the current design, since it allows retaining the original name used for parametrization, since the rest of the parameters stay the same in both implementations. Note |
If the "alias" parameter is not specified CHARON log file will miss the name for the given console, for example " : Connected. Remote" will be displayed instead of "OPA0 : Connected. Remote". So it is always recommended to specify the "alias" parameter. |
Parameter | communication |
Type | Text string |
Value | "ascii" - for connection to terminals (default) "binary" - for binary (packet) protocols, which are used mainly for communicating with PLCs
Parameter | line |
Type | Text string |
Value | A defined TTY port on host system (or "(console)" value): Syntax | Description |
(console) | Use CHARON console (the console from which it starts). It is the default setting for COM1 ("OPA0") | "/dev/tty<N>" | Virtual console | "/dev/ttyS<N>" | Onboard serial lines | "/dev/ttyUSB<N>" | Modem or USB serial lines adapters | "/dev/tty<XXX>" | Proprietary (depending on a driver) devices such as DIGI or MOXA cards |
Note |
If a virtual console "/dev/tty<N>" is going to be used, it must be freed from all the processes running on it at first. Refer to your OS documentation for details, also some description on how to do it is available here. |
Note |
A specific account for running CHARON ("charon") does not allow usage of physical consoles "/dev/tty<N> " as CHARON consoles. If you plan to map CHARON console to "/dev/tty<N> " use only "root" account for CHARON running. |
"ttyY" notation specifics