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# Copyright (C) 1999-2014 STROMASYS
# All rights reserved.
# The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies
# the confidential technology of STROMASYS. PosessionPossession, use, duplication,
# or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant
# to a valid written license from STROMASYS.
# Sample configuration file for VAX 4000 Model 108.
# Specify the hw_model prior to any other commands. This parameter informs the
# the emulator what type of VAX it should emulate. All the other commands
# availability and possibility to use depend on this specificationbuild and enables all other
# commands.


# Select Choose a name of for the instance, if needed, to differentiate it among other instances
# runnig instances running on the same host.


# Disable Use the following commands to disable the rotating LOG files and enable
# a single LOG file LOG. Select either appending orappend or overwrite (for each time the
# overwriting it on every instance start. Then instance starts) and specify desired log path and file name
# and path to it.


# The following line tells the emulator where to preserve NVRAM content. It
# will keep The file maintains the current time of the emulated VAX (when you do it is not run the
# emulatorrunning) and other console parameters (such as default boot device).


# The following line tells the emulator where to store intermediate state
# of the Flash ROM . It will keep the rest of and console parameters. It is highly recommended to enable
# recommended to keep both previous and this line uncommented for the
# this and the previous toy file for the emulator to be able to correctly
# preserve the saved state of the console.


# Now assign Assign four built-in serial lines as necessary. Currently the emulator
# offers two
# possible ways of using ways to use built-in serial lines. First of them is connection:
# 1) connection to COM ports (via physical_serial_line) . The second is to and
# 2) attach a third
# party terminal emulator (virtual_serial_line).
# Once the desired way of connection is chosen and the corresponding line is
# uncommented enabled, connect it to the preloaded controller QUART by chosing the QUART
# line number (in square brackets) to connect the interface to. See OPA0
# below, for exampleexample, below.


# Select the connection method for the console serial line OPA0.


# Uncomment to connect the emulator's DKA100 to a host 's disk drive.


# Uncomment to connect the emulator's DKA300 to the host's CD/DVD-ROM drive.


# Uncomment to connect the emulator's DKA400 to an .ISO file (CD/DVD -ROM image).


# Uncomment to connect the emulator's MKA500 to the host's SCSI tape drive.


# Uncomment to connect the emulator's MKA600 to a .VTAPE file (tape image).


# If necessary, load an optional SCSI controller SCSI_B (PKB).
# ATTENTION! Old versions of VAX/VMS (older then 5.5-2H4) do not support
# the optional SCSI controller and might may fail to boot when SCSI if this option is loaded.


# Uncomment to connect the emulator's DKB600, DKB601 to the host's floppy disk
# drives (A:, B:, if any).


# Uncomment to enable the built-in SGEC Ethernet Adapter (EZA).


# Connect the SGEC Ethernet Adapter (EZA) to the host's NIC.


# Load an optional DHW42-AA (or DHW42-BA, or DHW42-CA) serial line controller
# (C-DAL).
# Only one instance of DHW42AA/BA/CA can be loaded.


# Configure an optional RQDX3 storage controller (MSCP/QBUS). Handles It handles disk
# images, disk drives, CD-ROM drives, magneto-optical drives, floppy drives.


# Configure an optional TQK50 tape storage controller (TMSCP/QBUS). Handles tapeIt handles
# tape images, and physical tape drives attached to the host.


# Configuring the an optional DELQA Ethernet adapters (QBUS).


# Configure an optional DHV11 (or DHQ11, CXY08, CXA16, CXB16) serial line
# controller (QBUS). Address The address and vector must be set as required by operatingthe
# guest operating system.
