On a Charon-SSP AWS host, you can either use an internal bridge to create TAP interfaces that will then be used in the emulator configuration, or you can use a dedicated NIC. If a dedicated NIC is used, the MAC address of the emulated interface must be set to the MAC address of the NIC connected to the Charon host and the IP address of the guest system must be set to the private IP address allocated to the NIC by AWS.
It is permitted to assign the localhost interface (lo) to an emulated device (if the device will not be used by the guest).It is also permitted to add only a dummy device is required in the guest).
- Some options are configurable, but will not work in the AWS environment. They are listed here only for completeness:
Using the same physical device
for multiple emulated Ethernet devices of the same instance.
Sharing a NIC between emulator and host
Assigning the same physical interface to more than one Charon-SSP instance
Set MAC Address:
To force the MAC address of the virtual Ethernet device to a specific value, select the checkbox and enter the address in groups of two-character hexadecimal digits, separated by a colon, e.g. 08:00:2b:aa:bb:cc.