Versions Compared


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Configuration parameters

The KGPSA-CA PCI FC adapter emulation has the following configuration parameters:


TypeText String

Instructs the CHARON VM to create a set of virtual FC devices and connect to the virtual system through the virtual KGPSA FC Adapter.

(info) In this mode WWID and UDID values are taken from the storage controller directly. Note that some storage controllers may not support aquiring UDID, in this case this way of mapping cannot be used in case of OpenVMS (Tru64 Unix is Ok)!


load KGPSA <controller name> storage_controller_path_id = <Storage controller path ID>

where the "Storage controller path ID" parameter is a storage (for example SAN) controller path ID. This ID can be obtained from the "Host Device Check" utility ("Storage Controllers" section).

Once specified, all the disks attached to the storage are automatically mapped as disk units to CHARON VM.


load KGPSA FGA storage_controller_path_id = 5008-05F3-0005-2950-5008-05F3-0005-2951

It is also possible to use wildcards for specifying the ID number:


load KGPSA FGA storage_controller_path_id = 5008-05F3-0005-2950-*-05F3-0005-*

In this case CHARON will collect the LUNs from all the matching paths. 

This syntax works disregarding whether Windows MPIO is active or not. If it is active, CHARON VM uses "active" path (because it works through Windows), if Windows MPIO is OFF, CHARON VM selects the first matching path (and warns you in the LOG file).

(info) Note that LUNs obtained by usage of "storage_controller_path_id" parameter is not re-enumerated on reboot, so this mode is possible to use in case of shared disks clusters.



TypeText String

Establish connection between virtual DEC-KGPSA-CA PCI FC adapter and physical EMULEX LightPulse PCI/PCI-X/PCIe FC adapter (pass through mode)


load KGPSA <controller name> host_bus_location="PCI bus X, device Y, function Z"

where X, Y, and Z describe location of physical EMULEX LightPulse PCI/PCI-X/PCIe FC adapter in the host computer (see Pass Through mode 55203975669364 for details).


load KGPSA FGA host_bus_location="PCI bus 3, device 1, function 0"




N is 0..32766 (no more than 255 units)

TypeText String

Sets WWID for emulated KGPSA adapter unit in case if the WWID can not be obtained directly from the device CHARON VM is mapped to.

For example in case of disk images or local physical drives CHARON VM cannot get its WWID from the the host system, so it is automaticaly introduce some generated WWID. In case if this WWID is not acceptable it can be replaced with the custom one using the "wwid" parameter.


set <controller name> wwid[unit-number]="XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX"


set FGA wwid[2]="6008-05F3-0005-2950-BF8E-0B86-A0C7-0001"





N is 0..32766 (no more than 255 units)

TypeText String

Possible values of the parameter are strings in one of the following forms:

  • Physical disk
    • "\\.\PhysicalDrive<X>", where X is 0, 1, … 
      (warning) Be careful not to destroy all the information from the disk dedicated to CHARON VM by mistake. 
      These disks must not be formatted by the host OS. 
      (info) In this mode WWID is generated by CHARON and UDID is defined by the index of the "container" parameter. 
      set FGA container[0]=”\\.\PhysicalDrive1"


      In case "\\.\PhysicalDrive<N>" points to some external iSCSI or FC disk note that the disks re-enumeration may appear on CHARON host reboot, for example an external disk originally referenced as "\\.\PhysicalDrive3" may become "\\.\PhysicalDrive1" etc. Especially it is important in shared disks cluster configurations!

       So it is stricty recommended to use "Mapping by WWID" / "Mapping iSCSI disks" ways of mapping in these situations (see below). The mapping by using "storage_controller_path_id" (see above) is acceptable as well, since it is not re-enumerating LUNs on each re-boot or CHARON VM restart.


  • Physical disk by its WWID
      (warning) Be careful not to destroy all the information from the disk dedicated to CHARON VM by mistake.
      These disks must not be formatted by the host OS.
      DevID addresses the target physical disk by its WWID (hexadecimal 128-bit identifier assigned to the disk drive by its manufacturer/originator).
      (info) In this mode WWID is generated by CHARON VM and UDID is defined by the index of the "container" parameter.


      set FGA container[100]="\\.\PhysicalDrive(DevID= 6008-05F3-0005-2950-BF8E-0B86-A0C7-0001)"


      The WWID values can be obtained from "Host Device Check" utility ("All drives" section).


      If the "Host Device Check" utility does not display any WWID, this means the target disk does not have one. Use the "\\.\PhysicalDrive<N>" mapping in this case.

  • iSCSI disks
    • "\\.\PhysicalDrive(iSCSITarget = <iSCSI target>, LUN = <LUN number>)"
      iSCSITarget addresses the disk by its iSCSI target name. LUN specifies LUN on connected iSCSI disk.
      (info) In this mode WWID is generated by CHARON VM and UDID is defined by the index of the "container" parameter.


      set FGA container[200]="\\.\PhysicalDrive(iSCSITarget= iqn.2008-04:iSCSI.charon-target-test1, LUN= 1)"


  • File representing a physical disk of the HP Alpha system (disk image)
    • [<drive>":\"<path-name>"\"]<file-name>[".vdisk"]

      These files can be created from scratch with "MkDisk" utility. Data and OS disks backups are transferred from the original system via tapes or network and restored into these container files. 

      Mapping may also include the full path (recommended), for example: "C:\My disks\my_boot_disk.vdisk"
      set FGA container[401]="my_dka401.vdisk"


      Using compressed folders to store virtual disks and tapes is not supported


(info) This parameter is initially not set, thus creating NO storage elements on the controller..




N is 0..32766 (no more than 255 units)

TypeText String

Instructs CHARON VM to use the supplied value as the PRODUCT field in the FC INQUIRY data returned to a software running on virtual HP Alpha system in response to FC INQUIRY command.

If not specified, CHARON VM attempts to guess the FC INQUIRY data based on virtual FC device type and underlying container (which is specified in the corresponding container configuration parameter).

Initially is not specified.

set FGA media_type[0]="HSZ70"





N is 0..32766 (no more than 255 units)


When set to "true", the removable configuration parameter instructs CHARON VM to report the corresponding virtual FC device as removable.

By default the removable configuration parameter is set to "false".

set FGA removable[400]=true






N is "XXYY" number, where:

  • XX - SCSI ID (0..15)
  • YY - LUN (00..07)

Specifies KZPBA I/O requests (read or write) for a given unit in a range 2..128

Setting this parameter enables KZPBA instance to run up-to the specifiied specified numbers of I/O requests (read or write) for unit N in parallel, thus improving the performance.

The default value set by controller is optimal for most of the cases. It may be needed to enlarge this number if guest OS I/O queue for a certain unit contains too much pending entries. In this case the value should be equal to an average size of the queue, collected statistically.

Please do not set this parameter without clear understanding the purpose.

By default parallel execution of I/O requests is disabled.


set PKA io_queue_depth[603]=4






Instructs KZPBA I/O to reserve a given number of working threads in a range 1..64, thus improving the performance.

All units of KZPBA instance share the I/O threads.

The default value is equal to number of units plus 2.

For optimization it is possible to set this parameter to sum of the "io_queue_depth" parameters for each unit plus 2. This assumption seems optimal for most of the cases.

Please do not set this parameter without clear understanding the purpose.


set PKA min_n_of_threads=16


It provides the following functionality:


fc rescan {/verbose} 

Scans connected SAN using FC adapters, discovers FC ports, storage controllers, logical units and then builds volatile FC database.

The "/verbose" qualifier enables FC communication trace on console (for diagnostic and troubleshooting).

fc show {adapter | port | device} 

Displays corresponding part of volatile FC database.

fc set {boot | dump} udid <X> 

Fills the environment variables wwid0..wwid3 and n1..n4 to identify path(s) to logical unit with the specified UDID.

These variables are later used by "INIT" to create device database entries and by OpenVMS/Tru64 to get access to boot and dump disks.

This command does NOT make any change to other environment variables.

fc set {boot | dump} wwid <X>

Fills the environment variables wwid0..wwid3 and n1..n4 to identify path(s) to logical unit with the specified WWID. 

These variables are later used by "INIT" to create device database entries and by OpenVMS/Tru64 to get access to boot and dump disks.

This command does NOT make any change to other environment variables.

This parameter is useful if UDID is absent.


Only right part of the displayed WWID is used for specification, for example:

P00>>>fc res
polling for units on kgpsa0, slot 2, bus 0, hose 0 ...
    pga0.                 PGA0          F/W Rev 2.72A2
                                               WWN 1000-0000-0263-0040
           fabric                              WWN 2003-0060-0263-0040
                directory                      WWN 20fc-0060-0263-0040
                port 020100                    CED 8GSH 0 F88V
                                               WWN 5000-1fe0-0000-0bf1
                  lun 0000000000000000         DEC HSG80CCL V88F
             UDID:-1                 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe0-0000-0bf0-3030-3030-373f-3f3f
                  lun 0000000000000100         COMPAQ RZ1ED 0000
             UDID:-1                 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe0-0000-0bf0-3030-3030-3030-3030


P00>>>fc set boot wwid 6000-1fe0-0000-0bf0-3030-3030-3030-3030

fc clear

Clears environment variables wwid0..wwid3 and n1..n4, which automatically disable (but do NOT delete) device database entries representing FC attached devices.

This command does NOT affect volatile FC database.

Example of usage:

P00>>>fc show devices
     UDID:110 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0081 (ev:none)
                                               via adapter     via fc_port         con
[0]                   pga0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf1 yes (ev:none)
[1]                   pga0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf4 yes (ev:none)
     UDID:108 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0039 (ev:none)
                                               via adapter     via fc_port         con
[12]                  pga0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf1 yes (ev:none)
[13]                  pga0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf4 yes (ev:none)


Once the configuration steps described above are done, start the CHARON VM and wait for the P00>>>the P00>>> prompt.

Please refer to the following example with two FC adapters PGA and PGB defined:

initializing ...

polling for units on kzpba0, slot 4, bus 0, hose 0 ...
   pka0.         PKA0            Q-Logic/ISP PCI SCSI HBA

polling for units on kgpsa0, slot 5, bus 0, hose 0 ...
   pga0.         PGA0            WWN 1000-0000-C92E-97C9
      fabric                            WWN 2003-0060-6920-4682
         directory                      WWN 20fc-0060-6920-4682
         port 021400                    WWN 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf1
            lun 0000000000000100        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:100       WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0038
            lun 0000000000000200        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:200       WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0074
            lun 0000000000000300        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:300       WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-007b
            lun 0000000000000400        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:400       WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0080
            lun 0000000000006c00        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:108       WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0039
            lun 0000000000006d00        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:208       WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-003a
            lun 0000000000000000

         port 021500                    WWN 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf4
            lun 0000000000000100        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:100       WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0038
            lun 0000000000000200        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:200       WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0074
            lun 0000000000000300        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:300 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-007b
            lun 0000000000000400        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:400 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0080
            lun 0000000000006c00        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:108 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0039
            lun 0000000000006d00        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:208 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-003a
            lun 0000000000000000

polling for units on kgpsa1, slot 6, bus 0, hose 0 ...
   pgb0.         PGB0            WWN 1000-0000-C92D-8D00
      fabric                            WWN 2003-0060-6920-45ff
         directory                      WWN 20fc-0060-6920-45ff
         port 011400                    WWN 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf2
            lun 0000000000000100        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:100 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0038
            lun 0000000000000200        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:200 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0074
            lun 0000000000000300        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:300 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-007b
            lun 0000000000000400        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:400 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0080
            lun 0000000000006c00        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:108 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0039
            lun 0000000000006d00        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:208 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-003a
            lun 0000000000000000
         port 011500                    WWN 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf3
            lun 0000000000000100        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:100 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0038
            lun 0000000000000200        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:200 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0074
            lun 0000000000000300        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:300 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-007b
            lun 0000000000000400        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:400 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0080
            lun 0000000000006c00        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:108 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0039
            lun 0000000000006d00        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:208 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-003a
            lun 0000000000000000
         port 011100                    failed port login

... enter console

CHARON-AXP (AlphaServer ES40) emulator. Version 4.10
Copyright (C) 2019, STROMASYS (



The next step is to configure paths for the FC storage:

P00>>>fc show devices

     UDID:100 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0038 (ev:none)
                        via adapter     via fc_port         con
[0]                     pga0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf1 no (ev:none)
[1]                     pga0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf4 yes (ev:none)
[2]                     pgb0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf2 no (ev:none)
[3]                     pgb0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf3 yes (ev:none)
     UDID:200 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0074 (ev:none)
                        via adapter     via fc_port         con
[4]                     pga0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf1 no (ev:none)
[5]                     pga0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf4 yes (ev:none)
[6]                     pgb0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf2 no (ev:none)
[7]                     pgb0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf3 yes (ev:none)
     UDID:300 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-007b (ev:none)
                        via adapter     via fc_port         con
[8]                     pga0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf1 no (ev:none)
[9]                     pga0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf4 yes (ev:none)
[10]                    pgb0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf2 no (ev:none)
[11]                    pgb0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf3 yes (ev:none)
     UDID:400 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0080 (ev:none)
                        via adapter     via fc_port         con
[12]                    pga0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf1 no (ev:none)
[13]                    pga0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf4 yes (ev:none)
[14]                    pgb0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf2 no (ev:none)
[15]                    pgb0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf3 yes (ev:none)
     UDID:108 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0039 (ev:none)
                        via adapter     via fc_port         con
[16]                    pga0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf1 yes (ev:none)
[17]                    pga0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf4 no (ev:none)
[18]                    pgb0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf2 yes (ev:none)
[19]                    pgb0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf3 no (ev:none)
     UDID:208 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-003a (ev:none)
                        via adapter     via fc_port         con
[20]                    pga0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf1 yes (ev:none)
[21]                    pga0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf4 no (ev:none)
[22]                    pgb0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf2 yes (ev:none)
[23]                    pgb0.    5000-1fe1-000b-6bf3 no (ev:none)

P00>>>fc set boot udid 400


initializing ...

polling for units on kzpba0, slot 4, bus 0, hose 0 ...
   pka0.         PKA0            Q-Logic/ISP PCI SCSI HBA

polling for units on kgpsa0, slot 5, bus 0, hose 0 ...
   pga0.         PGA0            WWN 1000-0000-C92E-97C9
      fabric                            WWN 2003-0060-6920-4682
         directory                      WWN 20fc-0060-6920-4682
         port 021400                    WWN 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf1
            lun 0000000000000100        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:100       WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0038
            lun 0000000000000200        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:200       WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0074
            lun 0000000000000300        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:300       WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-007b
            lun 0000000000000400        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:400       WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0080
            lun 0000000000006c00        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:108       WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0039
            lun 0000000000006d00        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:208       WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-003a
            lun 0000000000000000
         port 021500                    WWN 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf4
            lun 0000000000000100        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:100       WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0038
            lun 0000000000000200        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:200       WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0074
            lun 0000000000000300        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:300 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-007b
            lun 0000000000000400        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:400 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0080
            lun 0000000000006c00        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:108 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0039
            lun 0000000000006d00        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:208 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-003a
            lun 0000000000000000

polling for units on kgpsa1, slot 6, bus 0, hose 0 ...
   pgb0.         PGB0            WWN 1000-0000-C92D-8D00
      fabric                            WWN 2003-0060-6920-45ff
         directory                      WWN 20fc-0060-6920-45ff
         port 011400                    WWN 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf2
            lun 0000000000000100        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:100 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0038
            lun 0000000000000200        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:200 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0074
            lun 0000000000000300        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:300 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-007b
            lun 0000000000000400        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:400 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0080
            lun 0000000000006c00        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:108 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0039
            lun 0000000000006d00        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:208 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-003a
            lun 0000000000000000
         port 011500                    WWN 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf3
            lun 0000000000000100        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:100 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0038
            lun 0000000000000200        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:200 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0074
            lun 0000000000000300        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:300 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-007b
            lun 0000000000000400        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:400 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0080
            lun 0000000000006c00        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:108 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0039
            lun 0000000000006d00        DEC     HSG80           V88F
         UDID:208 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-003a
            lun 0000000000000000
         port 011100                    failed port login

... enter console

CHARON-AXP (AlphaServer ES40) emulator. Version 4.10
Copyright (C) 2019, STROMASYS (


sys0.            SYS0          System ROOT Device
ewa0.            EWA0          00-51-71-F5-8E-D8
pka0.            PKA0          Q-Logic/ISP PCI SCSI HBA
pga0.            PGA0          WWN 1000-0000-C92E-97C9
pgb0.            PGB0          WWN 1000-0000-C92D-8D00
pqa0.           PQA0          ALi 1553C Integrated IDE Controller
pqb0.           PQB0          ALi 1553C Integrated IDE Controller
dqa0.           DQA0          Virtual ATAPI - TEAC DW-224E-V
dka0.            DKA0          Virtual SCSI Disk (C)SRI
dga400.1001.0.5.0       $1$DGA400     DEC     HSG80           V88F
dga400.1002.0.5.0       $1$DGA400     DEC     HSG80           V88F
dgb400.1003.0.6.0       $1$DGA400     DEC     HSG80           V88F
dgb400.1004.0.6.0       $1$DGA400     DEC     HSG80           V88F

P00>>>BOOT $1$DGA400

dga400.1001.0.5.0: failed to open device
(boot dga400.1002.0.5.0)
jumping to bootstrap code

    OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System, Version V7.3-2
      © Copyright 1976-2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
%SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #02 has joined the active set.
%SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #03 has joined the active set.
%SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #01 has joined the active set.
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