If it becomes necessary to contact Stromasys for support, the configuration and log files will be requested to begin the problem resolution.Here is an example of a CHARON VM log file:
Panel |
borderColor | #EDEDEE |
bgColor | #FFFFFF |
titleColor | #000000 |
titleBGColor | #EDEDEE |
title | CHARON-VAX log file example (part1) |
20190110:133937:INFO :0:00000249:ethane.cxx(9010): Logging started.
20190110:133937:INFO :0:000003A5:ethane.cxx( 131): session: loading built-in configuration "MicroVAX_3600"...
20190110:133937:INFO :0:000003A6:ethane.cxx( 163): session: ... done loading built-in configuration "MicroVAX_3600"
20190110:133937:INFO :0:000003A7:ethane.cxx( 321): session: loading service configuration "My_MV3600"...
20190110:133937:INFO :0:000003A8:ethane.cxx( 356): session: ... done loading service configuration "My_MV3600"
20190110:133937:INFO :0:000003AA:ethane.cxx( 404): session: loading configuration file "C:\Program Files\CHARON\Virtual Machines\My_MV3600\mv3k6.cfg"...
The previous message has been repeated 2 times.
20190110:133937:INFO :0:000003AB:ethane.cxx( 579): session: ... done loading configuration file "configuration_name.icfg"
The previous message has been repeated 2 times.
20190110:133937:INFO :0:000003F2:sesmgr.cxx(1410): session: default log file size limit is 4194304 bytes
20190110:133937:INFO :0:0000032B:ethane.cxx(2694): Start request received.
20190110:133937:INFO :0:000003AC:ethane.cxx( 805): session: process affinity is 00000000000000FF, system affinity is 00000000000000FF
20190110:133937:INFO :0:000003D1:ethane.cxx(1463): session: I/O domain affinity is 0000000000000003, CPU domain affinity is 00000000000000FC
20190110:133937:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): Checking the available license key "1422726238".
The previous message has been repeated 26 times.
20190110:133938:INFO :0:00000408:ethane.cxx(2867): CHARON-VAX (MicroVAX 3600), V 4.10 B 20200, Dec 10 2019 / 000.msc.test.center.nikolaev / 1918154109
20190110:133938:INFO :0:00000336:ethane.cxx(2908): The end user of this software has agreed to STROMASYS' Terms and Conditions for Software License and Limited Warranty, as described at: http://www.stromasys.com/pub/doc/30-17-033.pdf
20190110:133938:INFO :0:00000097:ethane.cxx(2987): OS Environment: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro, 64-bit (Build 17134).
20190110:133938:INFO :0:00000098:ethane.cxx(2992): Host CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E31275 @ 3.40GHz x8.
Panel |
borderColor | #EDEDEE |
bgColor | #FFFFFF |
titleColor | #000000 |
titleBGColor | #EDEDEE |
title | CHARON-VAX log file example (part2) |
20190110:133938:INFO :0:00000099:ethane.cxx(2997): Host Memory: 24320Mb
20190110:133938:INFO :0:0000041F:ethane.cxx(3223): Configuration dump::
. session:
. . configuration_name = "My_MV3600"
. . log_method = "append"
. . log_locale = "English"
. . log_show_messages = "all"
. . log_repeat_filter = "on"
. cdal:
. . mm_timer_correction_disable = "false"
. IPR:
. . mm_timer_correction_disable = "false"
. RAM:
. . size = "16"
. SSC:
. . clock_period = "20000"
. . mm_timer_correction_disable = "false"
. q_bus:
. . mm_timer_correction_disable = "false"
. . interface = "enabled"
. . line = "OPA0"
. . rx_done_delay = "10000"
. . tx_done_delay = "50"
. . tx_buffer_interval = "2000"
. . baud_rate = "9600"
. . stop_len = "1"
. . char_len = "8"
. . parity = "none"
. . dtr = "off"
. . rts = "off"
. . force_character_mask = "255"
. BDR:
. . boot = "manual"
. . mode = "normal"
. OPA0:
. . trace = "disabled"
. . port = "10003"
. . application = "putty.exe -load OPA0"
20190110:133938:INFO :0:00000418:busemul.cx( 188): SSC: MultiMedia Timer correction is enabled.
20190110:133939:INFO :0:00000001: tpool.cxx(1374): CPU: The ACE option is omitted; enable ACE as license default.
20190110:133939:INFO :0:00000133: tpool.cxx(1606): Advanced CPU Emulation (ACE) enabled.
20190110:133939:INFO :0:0000032C:ethane.cxx(2730): "My_MV3600" started.
20190110:133939:INFO :0:00000419:winsckio.c(2703): OPA0: Connected. Remote
20190110:134413:INFO :0:0000032D:ethane.cxx(2776): "MicroVAX 3600" stop request received.
20190110:134413:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): Licensing component received stop request.
20190110:134413:INFO :0:0000032E:ethane.cxx(2794): Stopped.
20190110:134413:INFO :0:0000024A:ethane.cxx(9706): Logging stopped.
The next group of parameters defines the name of the CHARON VM log file and how the CHARON VM will use it: