To create a virtual network, click the Create Virtual Network button. For further details on creating, changing and removing a virtual network, see the section Host System Network Configuration. Do not use Charon-SSP Virtual Networks in combination with VMware ESXi vSwitch virtual network adapters. The vSwitch does not implement the STP protocol. This could lead to a layer‑2 loop disrupting normal network operation.
To modify an existing virtual Ethernet adapter, select it from the list of configured devices and click on Edit (the edit button becomes visible once an interface has been selected).
To remove an existing virtual Ethernet adapter, select the adapter from the list of configured devices and click the Remove button (the remove button becomes visible once an interface has been selected).
To add a new virtual Ethernet adapter, click the Add button.
It is permitted to assign the localhost interface (lo) to an emulated device (if the device will not be used by the guest).
It is also permitted to add the same physical device to multiple emulated Ethernet devices of the same instance. However, this is not recommended for performance reasons.
Sharing a NIC between emulator and host (not recommended for performance reasons) is possible on non-Cloud systems but requires promiscuous mode and the MAC addresses of host and emulated system to be different (normally this is automatically taken care of by Charon-SSP assigning a locally administered MAC address to the guest system).
VMware and locally administered MAC addresses: VMware has several parameters to protect the environment from forged MAC addresses (e.g., the forged transmits and the address change parameters). If a MAC address for a Charon instance that is different from the host NIC MAC address is to be set and used, these parameters must allow such a configuration.
Assigning the same physical interface to more than one Charon-SSP instance is possible but not supported for production operation. It requires promiscuous mode and manual setting of unique MAC addresses for the Charon instances. I/O performance will be significantly degraded. For testing purposes only.