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Comment: Update for upgrades starting with V4.8

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This is not the case when upgrading from Charon-AXP and Charon-VAX starting with version 4.8 (so upgrades from 4.8 to version 4.9, 4.8 to 4.10 or 4.9 to 4.10). In this case console parameters are kept



Re-creation of the files happens in the following cases:


(warning) Note that Charon-AXP has its own specific console, so not all the parameters and commands available on physical Alphas are applicable to Charon.

Parameter DescriptionGetting parameter (example)Setting parameter (example)
The console action to be executed on an error, halt, or power-up

>>>show auto_action
auto_action halt

>>>set auto_action halt

The device name to be used when a bootstrap requires a boot device name

>>>show boot_dev
boot_dev dka0. 

>>>set boot_dev dka0

The default device from which the system attempts to boot

>>>show bootdef_dev
bootdef_dev dka0. 

>>>set bootdef_dev dka0

The file name to be used when a bootstrap requires a boot file name

>>>show boot_file
boot_file boot.dat 

>>>set boot_file boot.dat

Additional parameters to be passed to system software.

>>>show boot_osflags
boot_osflags 0,0 

>>>set boot_osflags 0,0

The device name to be used when an operating system requires a dump device name

>>>show dump_dev
dump_dev dka0. 

>>>set dump_dev dka0

Enables or disables generating HALT when user presses [Ctrl]+[P]

>>>show controlp
controlp on

>>>set controlp on


Parameter DescriptionGetting parameter (example)Setting parameter (example)
The boot flags

>>>show bflg

>>>set bflg 00000000

The device name to be used when a bootstrap requires a boot device name

>>>show boot

>>>set boot DUA0

The console action to be executed on an error, halt, or power-up
(VAX4xxx, MicroVAX 3100, VAX6310)

>>>show halt

>>>set halt restart

The console language number

>>>show language
English (United Kingdom) 

>>>set language 4

The memory interleave (VAX6xxx)

>>>show memory

>>>set memory /interleave:none

CPU settings (VAX6xxx)

>>>show cpu
Current Primary: 1

>>>set cpu /noenabled /noprimary 1

Terminal settings (VAX6xxx)

>>>show terminal

>>>set terminal /SCOPE /SPEED:9600 /BREAK 

Address of preloaded SCSI adapter (MicroVAX 3100, VAX4xxx)

>>>show scsi_id
SCSI Bus A = 7

>>>set scsi_id 7

Addresses of preloaded DSSI adapters (VAX4xxx)

>>>show dssi
DSSI Bus 0 Node 7
DSSI Bus 1 Node 5 

>>>set dssi_id 0 7
>>>set dssi_id 1 5 

The command recall state (MicroVAX 3100, VAX4xxx)

>>>show recall

>>>set recall enabled

The console security feature (MicroVAX 3100, VAX4xxx)

>>>show pse

>>>set pse enabled

The console password (if needed) (MicroVAX 3100, VAX4xxx)-

>>>set pswd 12345678
