Turn on the source HP Alpha system. At the ">>>" prompt, issue the "show device
" command:
>>> |
Making disk images
In our example, possible mappings the mapping of the KZPBA SCSI controller include disk and tape images. The tape images have not to be manually created whereas the disk images have to be created as described below.
Our example creates disk images of the original physical type. In reality, this step is the best opportunity in the migration to provision bigger larger disks to get extra storage space.
Create special directories for storing the disk and tape images. Created The created directories are referenced in the sample configuration file above.
The utility will ask you to specify the output file name. Select the "C:\My disks" directory created just before (that has been created earlier, or create it directly in the dialog) , and press the "Save" button:
DKA300 will be the disk where all the source disks will be copied so its size needs to be big large enough to store all the disk backup images.
Login to the source HP Alpha system. Stop all the batch queues, kick off the users, stop all the applications and close the databases if there are. The commands listed in SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM may be helpful. The goal is to close as many files as possible. The system disk will have several files opened (pagefile, swapfile, etc.) but and this is a normal situation.
The use of the "SHOW DEVICE /FILES" command would be of help to list opened files on a disk.
In this example, the CHARON VM system is node 1.400.
Issue the following commands from the source HP Alpha. Let's assume its prompt is "source$
Once When the backup procedure completesoperation will be completed, the disk "DKA300" of the CHARON VM will contain 3 savesets: "DKA0.BCK", "DKA100.BCK" and "DKA200.BCK".
- Connect a SCSI tape drive to the CHARON-AXP host via a PCI card
- Map the tape drive in the CHARON VM configuration file
a. Restore the source HP Alpha system backups from tape to disk images via OpenVMS running on the CHARON VM.
b. Boot from standalone backups and restore the content to the CHARON VM virtual disks - Dump the source HP Alpha system backups to tape images with using the "mtd" utility and:
a. Boot from the freshly installed OpenVMS system and restore the tape images to the CHARON VM virtual disks
b. Boot from the standalone backups backup and restore the content to the CHARON VM virtual disks
- Map the tape drive in the CHARON VM configuration file
Create a network cluster between the source HP Alpha system and the CHARON VM (it is possible to use the source system as a boot server); then perform simple backup backups from one disk to another: