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The CHARON-AXP products are protected by licenses issued on a customer basis by STROMASYS Inc. The CHARON-AXP license defines all the specifics of a particular CHARON-AXP distribution and its usage.

The license is implemented in the form of a hardware dongle (a Sentinel HASP key) or a software license. Please be careful with your license key, in case of loss or damage, the CHARON-AXP instances will not run or start until the license key is replaced. For extra protectionredundancy, STROMASYS recommends the recommends to use of a a backup license key (purchased separately) that can replace the main license key for a restricted period of time. It is possible to specify the backup license in the CHARON-AXP configuration file to prevent CHARON-AXP from stopping in case the main license dongle is no longer accessibleavailable.

The CHARON-AXP license is read being checked upon the start of each instance of CHARON-AXP and at a specified interval (defined by the license content) during the emulated system execution (default is 1 hour). If CHARON-AXP detects the absence (or malfunction) of the license key or software license, CHARON-AXP will try to use a backup license (if specified in the configuration file). If the license is not available or not specified, CHARON-AXP displays a warning message in the log file requesting the license key reconnection or software license reactivation. If the license is not reconnected or reactivated within a given period of time (the check interval), CHARON-AXP exits.



The present CHARON-AXP implementation requires that the expired license be removed to allow the running CHARON-AXP instance to switch to a valid one.

The CHARON-AXP software license is not distributed for Proof-of-Concept and evaluation installations. Only hardware dongles are could be used in this cases.

It is important to connect the HASP keep the HASP license keys connected to the a computer powered on, even if CHARON-AXP is not running, because the keys contain a built-in accumulator battery that needs to be charged. If the accumulator battery is completely discharged, the license key can be irreparably damaged.

Update of the CHARON-AXP license can be performed on the fly without stopping CHARON-AXP. All the parameters including the The expiration date and time execution counter can be updated w/o any restrictions., however the CHARON-AXP virtual hardware configuration should remain unchanged. At the next license check, CHARON-AXP will use the updated license normally.

CHARON supports the "driverless" mode of the new generation Sentinel protection keys ("Sentinel HL"). Note that installation of Sentinel drivers is still required if the new generation HASP network key is going to be used to serve CHARON instances running on other hosts.


GeneralProducts relevantOptional
  • Physical key ID

  • License Number

  • End user name

  • Master key ID

  • License release date and time

  • Update Number

  • Purchasing Company name. In most cases the company to which the key was issued originally

  • Commercial product name

  • Commercial product code

  • Commercial product version and range of build numbers suitable for running

  • Range of CHARON-AXP virtual models available for running

  • Type of host CPU required

  • Host operating system required

  • Number of virtual CPUs enabled for virtual SMP systems

  • Minimum number of host CPU cores required

  • Minimum host memory required

  • Maximum memory emulated. If not present the value defaults to the maximum memory possible for the particular virtual system. Note that the maximum memory may not be available to the virtual system if the host computer has insufficient physical memory.

  • Maximum number of CHARON-AXP instances that can be run concurrently

  • Whether or not CHAPI (CHARON API) can be used with this product

  • Product and Field Test expiration dates (if any)

  • Product and Field Test executions counter (if any)

  • Maximum number of hosts that may run CHARON-AXP concurrently (in the case of a networking license)

  • Level of support (if any), end date of any support contract, the "First Line" Service Provider

  • Frequency of CHARON-AXP license checking during CHARON-AXP execution

  • Parameter that reduces the maximum speed of the programCHARON-AXP (might be required for synchronization with legacy hardware systems)

  • Parameter that enables the product to support additional serial lines through an option board from a company such as DIGI

  • Parameter that prohibits use of Advanced CPU Emulation. If not present the Advanced CPU Emulation is enabled

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CHARON-AXP technical licensing models

CHARON-AXP licensing models are divided into 3 groups:


  • Login as Administrator
  • Extract content of the only ZIP file resided in “hasp_install” directory of the CHARON distribution to the same folder.
  • Run “cmd.exe” from “Start” menu of host computer
  • “cd” to the “hasp_install” directory
  • Issue the following command:

    ...haspdinst.exe -fr -kp -nomsg

Install other Sentinel run-time:

  • “cd” to the directory whether the target run-time resides
  • Issue the following command:

    ...haspdinst.exe -install -cm



You do not need to perform this procedure for Sentinel HL keys - local and network ones (red dongle) used as local.


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Installation and update of CHARON-AXP Software License


or HASP dongle License

CHARON-AXP software licenses can be installed / updated according to the procedure described below. This procedure is also applicable for update of a license in case of HL/HASP dongles.

  • Install CHARON-AXP together with Sentinel run-time (Sentinel run-time is an essential part of CHARON-AXP for Windows distribution)

  • Reboot host system

  • Connect HL/Connect HASP dongle to host system (in case of update of a license in a dongle)
  • Collect CHARON-AXP host fingerprint file ("*.c2v"):

    Open "License Update Service" utility:



    In the utility dialog popup open the "Collect Status Information" tab, then select:

    • "Installation of new protection key" (in case of Software License if no Software License has been installed on the host) or

Image Added

    • "Update of existing protection key" (in case of HL/HASP dongle or Software License that has been already installed on the host and needs updating):





In case of HL/HASP dongles use only "Update of existing protection key" option!

In case of Software License use "Installation of new protection key" option if host does not have Software License installed and "Update of existing protection key" option if already installed Software License has to be updated.

Press "Collect Information". In the popup dialog choose the place to store the "Fingerprint.c2v" file and press "Save":

Image Modified



A message should appear similar to this example, confirming the fingerprint has been collected successfully.

Image Modified

  • Send the ".c2v" file ("Fingerprint.c2v" in the example above) to STROMASYS

  • STOMASYS will send you a ".v2c" file in return. Put it somewhere on the CHARON-AXP host.

  • Open up the  "License Update Service" utility the way described above and open the "Apply License File" tab:



    Press "..." button beside the "Update File" edit-box. In the popup select the license file received from STROMASYS:


    Press the "Open" button and apply the license.

  • Start any web browser on this system and go to http://localhost:1947 to access the "Sentinel HASP Admin Control Center" (ACC).

  • Ensure that the license appears in the “Sentinel Keys” menu.


Disable remote keys access 

A helpful feature of Sentinel Admin Control Center is the ability to disable access to remote keys. If the network key is installed locally, access to the key from remote hosts can be disabled. The following examples demonstrate how this can be done.

To disable access to remote keys switch to the "Access to Remote License Managers" tab and uncheck the "Allow Access to Remote Licenses" checkbox. Then press the "Submit" button to apply this change:
