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Comment: "set time" user capabilities note is added









true or false.

This statement enables the ACE mode if the CHARON-AXP license permits it. If this statement is omitted from the CHARON-AXP configuration file and the license permits it, "true" is the default, otherwise "false" is the default. For test purposes the ACE mechanism can be disabled with:

set cpu ace_mode=false


"set cpu ace_mode=true" is ignored when the license does not permit ACE operation.

The CHARON-AXP log file displays the status of the ACE option.

The ACE mode is disabled when the host system does not meet the minimum physical requirements for this operation. If the emulator appears not to run at its normal performance, check the log file for a change in the ACE mode and verify that sufficient host resources, especially memory, are available.

The ACE mode can be additionally calibrated with "set ace" directive and the following parameters:




cpu_architectureText String

Specifies the architecture of the virtual Alpha CPU. Can be one of the following: EV4, EV45, EV5, EV56, EV6, EV67, EV68


set ace cpu_architecture = EV6

Refer to this section to find an appropriate value of the HP Alpha architecture per each HP Alpha model supported by CHARON-AXP.



"cache_size" defines the amount of memory in megabytes allocated to the ACE cache.

The default value of the cache_size set to 1GB (1024 MB).


set ace cache_size=2048

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The CHARON-AXP memory subsystem is permanently loaded and has the logical name "ram".

sizeNumericSize of the emulated memory in MB.


containerText string

Specifies a name for the file in which CHARON-AXP preserves the time and date during its “offline” period. This file also keeps some console parameters (such as the default boot device).

By default it is left unspecified.

(info) it is recommended to specify the full path to the TOY file.

sync_to_hostText string

Specifies whether and how the guest OS time is synchronized with the CHARON host time.


set TOY sync_to_host = "{as_vms | as_tru64 | as_is}[, nowrite]"


as_vmsIf the guest OS is OpenVMS/AXP and its date and time must be set to the host's date and time each time it boots.
as_tru64If the guest OS is Tru64 UNIX and its date and time must be set to the host's date and time each time it boots.
as_isIf the TOY date and time must be set to the host's UTC date and time
nowriteDisable undesirable updates to the TOY from the guest OS.


set TOY sync_to_host = "as_vms, nowrite"

To synchronize the guest OS with TOY, use the following commands (from "SYSTEM"/"root" account):

$ set time
# date -u `consvar -g date | cut -f 3 -d ' '`

The default value is "not specified" - it means that by default CHARON does not synchronize its guest OS time with the CHARON host time but collects date and time from the file specified with "container" parameter.

(warning) If "sync_to_host" parameter is specified there is no need to specify "container" parameter in addition.


HP AlphaStation 200 - 400

set session hw_model=set rom system_name=set ace cpu_architecture=set rom dsrdb[0]=
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 200 4/100EV41156
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 200 4/133EV41088
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 205 4/133EV41250
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 255 4/133EV41257
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 200 4/166EV41087
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 205 4/166EV41251
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 255 4/166EV41258
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 400 4/166EV41086
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 205 4/200EV41252
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 255 4/200EV41259
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 200 4/233EV451151
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 205 4/233EV451253
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 255 4/233EV451260
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 400 4/233EV451152
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 205 4/266EV451254
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 255 4/266EV451261
AlphaServer_400AlphaServer 300 4/266EV451593
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 400 4/266EV451153
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 400 4/266EV451154
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 200 4/300EV451157
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 205 4/300EV451255
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 255 4/300EV451262
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 400 4/300EV451160
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 205 4/333EV451256
AlphaServer_400AlphaStation 255 4/333EV451263


set session hw_model=set rom system_name=set ace cpu_architecture=set rom dsrdb[0]=set rom dsrdb[1]=set rom dsrdb[2]=
AlphaServer_GS80AlphaServer GS80 67/728EV671967  
AlphaServer_GS80AlphaServer GS1280EV672038503050
