20180528:033359:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): Checking product section 0. 20180528:033359:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): The value "VAX_6610" of the required parameter "P_HW" is not found in the list "AlphaServer_DS10,AlphaServer_DS10L,AlphaServer_DS15,AlphaServer_DS20,AlphaServer_DS25,AlphaServer_ES40,AlphaServer_ES45,AlphaServer_GS80,AlphaServer_GS160,AlphaServer_GS320" for the product 0. 20180528:033359:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): Checking product section 1. 20180528:033359:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): The value "VAX_6610" of the required parameter "P_HW" is not found in the list "PDP1193,PDP1194" for the product 1. 20180528:033359:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): Checking product section 2. 20180528:033359:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): License number: "000.msc.test.center.nikolaev". 20180528:033359:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): Product License number: "CHAXP/VAX". 20180528:033359:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): CHARON product code: "CHVAX-490xx-WI-LI". 20180528:033359:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): Unlimited license. 20180528:033359:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): Feature 2 check interval 1 hour(s). 20180528:033359:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): Concurrency info: 20180528:033359:INFO :0:0000024D:licenseman(1823): There are 10 instances allowed. 20180528:033359:INFO :0:0000024D:hexane.cxx(2848): STROMASYS SA, (C) 2009-2018 20180528:033359:INFO :0:00000408:hexane.cxx(2892): CHARON-VAX (VAX 6000 Model 610), V 4.9 B 1940119402, May 10 2018 / 000.msc.test.center.nikolaev / 1918154109 20180528:033359:INFO :0:00000336:hexane.cxx(2924): The end user of this software has agreed to STROMASYS' Terms and Conditions for Software License and Limited Warranty, as described at: /pub/doc/30-17-033.pdf 20180528:033359:INFO :0:00000097:hexane.cxx(2999): OS Environment: Linux 3.10.0-693.5.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Oct 13 10:46:25 EDT 2017 x86_64. 20180528:033359:INFO :0:00000098:hexane.cxx(3004): Host CPU: GenuineIntel, Family 6, Model 42, Stepping 1, Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge), 1 Sockets, 1 Cores per Socket, 4 Threads per Core, at ~2593 MHz, 4 cpu's available 20180528:033359:INFO :0:00000099:hexane.cxx(3009): Host Memory: 3840Mb 20180528:033359:INFO :0:0000041F:hexane.cxx(3224): Configuration dump:: . session: . . configuration_name = "VAX_6610" . . log_method = "overwrite" . . hw_model = "VAX_6610" . . log_mode = "shared" . . log_locale = "english" . XMI: . . clock_period = "20000" . . boot = "manual" . RAM: . . size = "512" . eeprom: . . container = "charon.rom" . TOY: . . container = "charon.dat" . OPA0: . . trace = "disabled" . . stop_on = "F6" . . tx_flush_delay = "0" . PUA: . . container[0] = "/home/charon/Charon/test/performancecomparison-66x0.vdisk" . . xmi_node_id = "11" . EXA: . . adapter_mode = "auto" . . interface = "EXA0" . . rx_fifo_delay_on_overload = "false" . . extended_command_ring = "false" . . xmi_node_id = "13" . EXA0: . . interface = "eth1" . . disabled_mode = "10BaseT-HD" . . port_show_driver_statistics = "false" . . port_enable_mac_addr_change = "true" . . port_snd_sock_buf_size_kb = "0"
The next group of parameters defines the name of the CHARON-VAX log file and how CHARON-VAX will use it:
#set set session log_method = append
#set session log_method = overwrite
#set session log = "MicroVAX_3600.log"