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Configuration parameters

The KZPBA PCI SCSI adapter emulation has The I/O Bypass controller has the following configuration parameters:




N is 0..32766 (no more than 64 units)

TypeText string

Possible values of the parameter are strings in one of the following forms:

  • Physical disk
    •  "\\.\PhysicalDrive<X>", where X is 0, 1, … 
      (warning) Be careful not to destroy all the information from the disk dedicated to CHARON VM by mistake. 
      These disks must not be formatted by the host OS. 

      set DIA container[0]="\\.\PhysicalDrive1"


  • Physical disk by its WWID 

    • "\\.\PhysicalDrive(DevID=XXX-...-XXXX)"

      (warning) Be careful not to destroy all the information from the disk dedicated to CHARON VM by mistake.

      These disks must not be formatted by the host OS.

      DevID addresses the target physical disk by its WWID (hexadecimal 128-bit identifier assigned to the disk drive by its manufacturer/originator).



      set DIA container[100]="\\.\PhysicalDrive(DevID=6008-05F3-0005-2950-BF8E-0B86-A0C7-0001)"


  • iSCSI disks
    • "\\.\PhysicalDrive(iScsiTarget = <iSCSI target>, LUN = <LUN number>)"

      iScsiTarget addresses the disk by its iSCSI target name.

      LUN specifies LUN on connected iSCSI disk.



      set DIA container[200]="\\.\PhysicalDrive(iScsiTarget=iqn.2008-04:iscsi.charon-target-test1, LUN= 1)"


  • dddSCSI disk unknown to Windows for direct mapping

    • "\\.\Scsi<N>:<X>:<Y>:<Z>" 
      The values of N, X, Y and Z can be collected using special utility "Host Device Check" included in the CHARON distributive - or manually by investigation of the devices connected to CHARON host in the "Device Manager" applet.

      NA logical number assigned by host operating system (Microsoft Windows) to logical or host’s physical storage resource such as physical SCSI HBA
      XAn internal SCSI bus number (usually 0) on host’s physical SCSI HBA
      YA SCSI ID of physical SCSI target device attached to host’s physical SCSI HBA
      ZA logical unit number inside physical SCSI target device attached to host’s physical SCSI HBA


      set DIA container[202]="\\.\Scsi1:0:1:0"


  • ISO file for reading distribution CD-ROM image
    • [<drive>":\"<path-name>"\"]<file-name>[".iso”]  
      Mapping may also include the full path (recommended), for example: "C:\My disks\vms_distribution.iso"  


      set DIA container[600]="C:\My disks\vms_distribution.iso"


  • File representing a physical disk of the HP Alpha system (disk image)
    • [<drive>":\"<path-name>"\"]<file-name>[".vdisk"] 
      These files can be created from scratch with "MkDisk" utility. Data and OS disks backups are transferred from the original system via tapes or network and restored into these container files.   
      Mapping may also include the full path (recommended), for example: "C:\My disks\my_boot_disk.vdisk"   

      set DIA container[401]="tru64-v51-system.vdisk"


  • Other type of drive, for example magneto-optical drive
    • "\\.\<N>:" 

      set DIA container[300]="\\.\Z:"


(info) This parameter is initially not set, thus creating NO storage elements on the controller..




N is "XXYY" number, where XX = SCSI ID ( 0..15) and YY - LUN (00..0732766 (no more than 64 units)


When set to "true", the removable configuration parameter instructs CHARON VM to report the corresponding virtual SCSI device as removable.

Note to set this parameter to "true" if this disk storage element is:

  • Mapped to a host removable device
  • Mapped to a disk/tape image located on a host removable device
  • Mapped to a disk/tape image that has to be renamed/moved/deleted right after dismounting it in the guest OS

By default the removable configuration parameter is set to "false".


set PKA DIA removable[400]=true

(info) Note that virtual SCSI tapes and CD-ROM devices are always reported as removable regardless of the "removable" configuration parameter.



geometry [N] 

N is "XXYY" number, where XX = SCSI ID (0..15) and YY - LUN (00..07)

TypeText String

This formatted string value specifies the explicit geometry of the disk storage element. This parameter is not applicable to tape storage elements.

The string format is <X>”/”<Y>[“/”<Z>][“/”<B>] or <X>”,”<Y>[“,”<Z>][“,”<B>] where:

XThe number of sectors per track
YThe number of tracks per cylinder

The number of cylinders on the unit.

If omitted, Z is calculated based on X, Y and the total number of sectors on the unit that reflects the size of the disk storage element.

This is an optional parameter.


The total size of the disk (in blocks) reported to the guest OS.

If omitted it is calculated automatically.

This is an optional parameter.

If this parameter is not set, CHARON VM will configure the geometry based on the most probable disk type.

Initially not set.


It is possiblle to specify each parameter independently of another one. The following syntax is used for that:

set PKA geometry[300]="*,*,*,16777210"

The syntax described above is applicable only to disk storage elements. If the container is a tape image, the following format is used instead:


"<image-size>[, <early-warning-zone-size>]"


image-sizeThe tape size in MB

The size (in KB) of the space left on the tape when a warning to the OS is issued.

If omitted, 64K is assumed.


set PKA geometry[603] = "255/255"




N is "XXYY" number, where XX = SCSI ID (0..15) and YY = LUN (00..07)

TypeText String

Instructs CHARON VM to enable host operating system I/O cache on reading/writing operations.

The following values are possible:

  • "true" or "write-back" - the "write back" caching mode is used
  • "write-through" - the "write through" caching mode is used

  • "false" - caching is switched off

(info) Note that this caching has a significant effect only in case of mapping to disk and tape containers, not physical drives.

When enabled, host operating system I/O cache may significantly improve I/O performance of the virtual system. At the same time maintaining I/O cache requires additional host resources (CPU and memory) which may negatively affect overall performance of the virtual system.

Initially is set to "false".


set PKA use_io_file_buffering[603]=true

When a tape or disk image connected to an emulated KZPBA controller is dismounted by OpenVMS, it is disconnected from CHARON VM and can be manipulated. It can be replaced with a different disk image if it keeps the same name. This capability may be useful when designing back-up and restore procedures. When copying CHARON-AXP disk images while CHARON VM is running, please take care to minimize the risk of overloading a heavily loaded CHARON host system. For example, using a sequential series of simple ftp binary copies is less resource intensive and thus less disruptive than multiple, simultaneous copies.
