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VAX 6310 configuration file

# Copyright (C) 1999-2014 STROMASYS
# All rights reserved.
# The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies
# the confidential technology of STROMASYS. Posession, use, duplication,
# or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant
# to a valid written license from STROMASYS.
# Sample configuration file for VAX 6000 Model 310.

set session hw_model = VAX_6310

# Select name of the instance to differentiate it among other instances
# runnig on the same host.

#set session configuration_name = VAX_6310

# Disable rotating LOG and enable single file LOG. Select either appending or
# overwriting it on every instance start. Then specify desired log file name
# and path to it.

#set session log_method = append
#set session log_method = overwrite
#set session log = VAX_6310.log

# It is possible to reduce the size of the log file using filtering
# possibilities:
# 1) Based on message type (info, warning, error)
# 2) Based on repeatetive messages removing.
# You can specify which type of messages should be logged using option
# 'log_show_messages' which is a string option containing mentioned above
# message types delimited by comma. Default is "all" which means to log
# all existing message types.
# You can specify that repeatetive messages should be filtered out using
# 'log_repeat_filter' "on"/"off" option. Default value is "off"

# The same as default "all"
set session log_show_messages="info, warning, error"

# Show only information and error messages
#set session log_show_messages="info, error"

# Show only error messages
#set session log_show_messages="error"

# Filter repeatetive messages out
#set session log_repeat_filter="on"

# The following lines tell the emulator where to preserve NVRAM content.
# It will keep the current time of the emulated VAX (when you do not
# run the emulator) and console parameters (such as default boot device).
# Note, both storages must be enabled for preserving NVRAM state.

#set toy container="charon.dat"
#set eeprom container="charon.rom"

# Specify the size of RAM (default 512MB). Remember that the dongle
# license might limit the maximum amount of memory.

set ram size=32
#set ram size=64
#set ram size=128
#set ram size=256
#set ram size=512

# Now assign console built-in serial line. Currently the
# emulator offers three possible ways using serial lines. First
# of them is connection to COM ports (via physical_serial_line).
# The second is to attach a third party terminal emulator
# (virtual_serial_line). And the third one is to connect to MOXA
# NPort 5210 box ports (via np5210_serial_line).
# Once desired way of connection is chosen load the interface
# like OPA0 which is expected by built-in console controller.

# MOXA NPort 5210 box connection
#load np5210_serial_line/chserial OPA0
#set OPA0 ip="" rs_port=n

# Physical COM port connection
#load physical_serial_line/chserial OPA0 line="COM1:"

# Virtual serial line connection listening for the TCP/IP port
# number 10003 on the host system. It is possible to connect to
# this port from any appropriate application (standard terminal,
# user written terminal, etc...).
#load virtual_serial_line/chserial OPA0 port=10003

# Virtual serial line connection listening for the TCP/IP port
# number 10003 on the host system. Specified program is started
# automatically.
load virtual_serial_line/chserial OPA0
#set OPA0 port=10003 application=""
set OPA0 port=10003 application="putty.exe -load OPA0"
#set OPA0 port=10003 application="c:\kea\user\opa0.ktc"

# load DWMBB XMI-to-VAXBI adapter into slot 14 of the XMI
load DWMBB XBA xmi_node_id=14

# Slots 1 - 15 (1 - F) of the VAXBI are able to handle I/O adapters.

# load KDB50 MSCP disk controller into slot 1 of the VAX BI
load KDB50 PUA vax_bi_node_id=1

# Attach unit 0 of the PUA controller to disk image (.dsk or .vdisk);
# VMS would see it as "DUA0:"
#set PUA container[0]="..\vdisk\vmssys.vdisk"

# Attach unit 1 of the PUA controller to physical disk drive (N to be
# replaced with decimal number); VMS would see it as "DUA1:"
#set PUA container[1]="\\.\PhysicalDriveN"

# ...

# Attach unit 9 of the PUA controller to CDROM drive (0 might to be
# replaced with another decimal number, if necessary); VMS would see
# it as "DUA9:"
#set PUA container[9]="\\.\CdRomN"

# Attach unit 10 of the PUA controller to floppy disk drive ('A' to be
# replaced with 'B', if necessary); VMS would see it as "DUA10:"
#set PUA container[10]="\\.\A:"

# ...

# load DEBNI Ethernet Controller into slot 2 of the VAXBI
load DEBNI/DEMNA ETA vax_bi_node_id=2

# connect the ETA Ethernet controller to host network interface
#load packet_port/chnetwrk ETA0 interface="connection:<connection-name>"
#set ETA interface=ETA0

# Load VAXBI to UNIBUS adapter
load DWBUA UBA vax_bi_node_id=14

# Load TMSCP tape to have the tape instead of non-implemented TBK70
load TUK50 MUA

# Attach MUA controller to tape image (.mtd or .vtape); VMS would see
# it as "MUA0:"
set MUA container[0]="mua0.mtd"

# Attach MUA controller to physical tape drive (N to be replaced with
# decimal number); VMS would see it as "MUA0:"
#set MUA container[0]="\\.\TapeN"

# ...

# this is the end of the configuration file #################################

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