- Copy the license server software package to the cloud instance license server host (if still required):
- Use sftp to connect to the cloud instance.
# sftp -i ~/.ssh/<mykey>
where- <mykey> is the private key of the key-pair you associated with your cloud instance (for an on-premises VMware installation where login with username/password is allowed, it is not needed)
- <user> is the user associated with your license server instance (e.g., opc on OCI, centos for a CentOS instance on AWS, or the custom user on your VMware virtual machine; for an instance installed from a prepackaged Charon-SSP VE image, use the SFTP user charon)
- <cloud-instance<linux-ip> is the ip address of your license server system
- Copy the software package to the license server system using the following SFTP command:
> put <local-path-to-license-server-package>
- Use sftp to connect to the cloud instance.
- Use ssh to log in on the cloud instancelicense server host.
where# ssh-i ~/.ssh/<mykey> <user>@<cloud <user>@<linux-instance-ip>
- <mykey> is the private key of the key-pair you associated with your cloud instance (for an on-premises VMware installation where login with username/password is allowed, it is not needed)
- <user> is the user for interactive login associated with your license server instance (e.g., opc on OCI, centos for a CentOS instance on AWS, or the custom user on your VMware virtual machine; for an instance installed from a prepackaged Charon-SSP VE image, use sshuser)
- <cloud-instance<linux-ip> is the ip address of your license server system
- As a privileged user (root) go to the directory where you stored the installation package and install the package:
- Become the root user:
# sudo -i
- Go to the package location:
# cd <path-to-package-directory>
On an instance installed from a prepackaged Charon-SSP VE marketplace image, the installation package is stored under /charon/storage) - Install the package:
- Linux 7.x:
# yum install license-server*.rpm
- Linux 8.x:
# dnf install license-server*.rpm
- Linux 7.x:
- Become the root user: