- The VE license server package
- A suitable Linux cloud instance in a supported cloud environment to be used as the VE license server. This instance must run
- in a supported cloud environment, or
- in a supported VMware environment.
- Correct firewall settings
- The VE-capable Charon-SSP emulator software running on a Charon host with appropriate network access to the VE license server
Where <version> indicates the version of the software, for example, 1.1.4.
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Instance for License Server
The license server package must be installed on a Linux cloud instance or a Linux VM on VMware.
Supported Cloud Providers
At the time of writing, the following cloud providers are supported by the VE license server:
- Amazon AWS
- Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
- Microsoft Azure
- Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
- IBM cloud
Please refer to your cloud provider's documentation for configuring and launching an appropriate instance. A description of the basic steps of launching an instance can be found in Additional Information.
Depending on the cloud environment, Stromasys may offer a prepackaged Charon-SSP VE image on the cloud marketplace. This image includes the Charon-SSP emulator software (already installed) and the VE License Server RPM package (can be installed optionally). An instance launched from such a prepackaged image can also be used as a VE license server.VE license server.
Currently Supported VMware Platforms and Requirements
At the time of writing, the following VMware Platforms are supported by the VE license server.
- Requirements for direct ESXi host binding:
- The VE license server must run in one of the VMs on the ESXi server
- ESXi/vSphere version 6.5 and above
- Valid license that supports the vSphere API feature
- Ports 443 and 902 must be accessible to the VE license server host
- 100 MB of free disk space to be used by the VE license server host
- Requirements for vCenter Server binding:
- The VE license server must run in a VM on one of the ESXi systems managed by the vCenter server.
- Ports 443 and 902 must be accessible to the VE license server host
- 100 MB of free disk space to be used by the VE license server host
Please note: vMotion cannot be used for the virtual machine running the VE license server.
Linux Host Requirements for the VE License Server
The Linux system on which the VE license server runs must fulfill the following requirements:
Software requirements for the VE License Server:
Red Hat, CentOS, or Oracle Linux (64-bit) versions 7.x or 8.x
Basic hardware requirements (the shape or cloud instance type capabilities or VMware host configuration) for running only the license server:
Must be sufficient for the selected Linux operating system.
Additional hardware requirements (the shape or cloud instance type capabilities or VMware host configuration) for running the emulator software on the same system:
- If the license server is combined with the Charon-SSP emulator software on the same instance, the instance used must satisfy the requirements of the Charon-SSP host and all instances that will run on it. If this requirement exists, please refer to theĀ Charon-SSP user's guide for details.
- In the AWS cloud, an IAM role allowing the ListUsers action (IAMReadOnlyAccess in the example below) must be attached to the instance. This can be done during the launch of the instance as shown in the sample below.
Alternatively, the role can be set/changed by selecting the instance, right-clicking on it, and selecting Instance Settings Security > Modify IAM Role (in the older AWS console, use the Action menu). If such a role has not yet been defined, please refer to Creating and Attaching an AWS IAM Role and to the documentation provided by AWS for additional information.
Any intermediate firewall as well as the cloud-specific subnet and instance security settings must permit communication with these systems for the VE license server to function properly. See Cloud-Specific Firewall Information for information about the mechanisms used in the different cloud environments, and your Linux firewall documentation for any Linux specific questions.
Communication Between License Server and ESXi Host / vCenter Server
The license server must be able to access the following ports on the ESXi host or vCenter server it binds to: ports 443 and 902.
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Charon-SSP VE-Capable Emulator and Management Software