Powershell V4.0 or newer is recommended. The execution of Powershell scripts must have been enabled. version is required.
To run PowerShell scripts (files that end with .ps1), you must first set the execution policy to Unrestricted (This operation has to be done once).
To do so, open a command line window (cmd.exe) as an Administrator and use the following command:
c:\Charon>powershell -command "Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted" |
The ExecutionPolicy can also be set to "
". In this case the .ps1
script files will have to be unblocked as described below.
If you are still prompted to allow for execution of the script, please run the following command to unblock the downloaded charon_cleanshutdown.ps1
c:\Charon>powershell -command "Unblock-File -path c:\charon\ |
See Powershell version, upgrade, enabling scripts execution, tips and tricks.