Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: "at" package requirement added


    • Mandatory packages:
      • glibc.i686
      • bc
      • perl
      • at

    • Recommended packages:
      • telnet : recommended for connection from the CHARON server to the virtual machine console
      • expect : recommended if ssh cannot be used to execute shutdown commands from the console
      • evince : recommended for reading online documentation
      • screen : recommended, mandatory for CHARON-AXP V4.4
      • postfix : recommended, Mail Transport Agent used to send emails
      • firefox : recommended for checking and updating licenses, accessing online documentation

  • All described operations will have to be performed on the CHARON server and logged in as 'root' (no other user supported).
    (warning)(warning)The 'menu' must be used by one user at a time only

  • CHARON-AXP and CHARON-VAX installations are supported when installed in /opt/charon folder only

  • Mail service must have been configured. Mail transfer agent can be postfix, sendmail, ...

  • (warning) (warning) Within the CHARON virtual machines configuration files:
    • do not use spaces or tabs between a parameter and its value as the toolkit does not handle this correctly, i.e.: parameter=value is correct, parameter = value is not correct.
    • do not add devices parameters on the same line, please split the line in 2 lines

      set PKA container[600]= "/home/vdisk/axp/ALPHA084.iso" media_type[600]="RRD47"set PKA container[600]= "/home/vdisk/axp/ALPHA084.iso"
      set PKA media_type[600]="RRD47"


Include Page



Some menu options will allow you to send results via email.

  • Example: license display, log and configuration files.

  • The recipient will then be unique

AlertsBy default, the alert script will send alerts via email (plus 'wall' notifications if enabled). A recipients list can be defined in this case.
  • Wall notification can be enabled/disabled from the menu
  • The alert script can be customized. You can for example use command lines linked to your monitoring software and disable emails.

(info) (info) Do not use Stromasys email address to send results directly, for example to The sender will be unknown to us, it is then recommended to send results to yourself first and to forward us the email you received.

(warning) (warning) Both use 'sendmail' command to send emails. Mail transfer agent can be postfix, sendmail, ...
