Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Warning added for parameter value and space


    • Mandatory packages:
      • glibc.i686
      • bc
      • perl

    • Recommended packages:
      • telnet : recommended for connection from the CHARON server to the virtual machine console
      • expect : recommended if ssh cannot be used to execute shutdown commands from the console
      • evince : recommended for reading online documentation
      • screen : recommended, mandatory for CHARON-AXP V4.4
      • postfix : recommended, Mail Transport Agent used to send emails
      • firefox : recommended for checking and updating licenses, accessing online documentation

  • All described operations will have to be performed on the CHARON server and logged in as 'root' (no other user supported).
    (warning)The 'menu' must be used by one user at a time only

  • CHARON-AXP and CHARON-VAX installations are supported when installed in /opt/charon folder only

  • Mail service must have been configured. Mail transfer agent can be postfix, sendmail, ...

  • (warning) Within the CHARON virtual machines configuration files, do not use spaces or tabs between a parameter and its value as the toolkit does not handle this correctly, i.e.: parameter=value is correct, parameter = value is not correct.


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