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Comment: Reviewed to match AXP&VAX


General settings that control the execution of CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP belong to an object called the "session". It is a preloaded object; therefore, only "set" commands applyare necessary. 


set session <parameter>=<value>


The following table describes all available "session" parameters, their meaning and examples of their usage:





Text string


Virtual VAX/PDP11 system hardware model to be emulated.

Use a default configuration template for each particular model as a starting point for a custom configuration. This would ensure that the parameter is set correctly.


set session hw_model="VAX_6610"

Available models are:

  • PDP_1193

  • PDP_1194
  • MicroVAX_3100_Model_96
  • MicroVAX_3100_Model_98
  • MicroVAX_3600
  • MicroVAX_3900
  • MicroVAX_II
  • VAXserver_3600
  • VAXserver_3600
  • VAXserver_3600_128
  • VAXserver_3600_512
  • VAXserver_3900
  • VAXserver_3900_128
  • VAXserver_3900_512
  • VAX_4000_Model_106
  • VAX_4000_Model_108
  • VAX_4000_Model_700
  • VAX_4000_Model_705
  • VAX_6000_Model_310
  • VAXstation_4000_Model_90
  • VAX_6610
  • VAX_6620
  • VAX_6630
  • VAX_6640
  • VAX_6650
  • VAX_6660





Text string


Name of the CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP instance (ir it must be unique):

set session configuration_name="MSCDV1"

The value of this parameter is used as a prefix to the event log file name . (see below).

From the example above, the CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP log file will have the following name:


xxxxxxxxx is an increasing decimal number starting from 000000000 to separate log files with the same time of creation (in case the log is being written faster than one log file per second).

(warning) It is strictly recommended to use the "configuration_name" parameter if more than one CHARON instance runs on the same server.



TypeText string
  • "overwrite" (default)
  • "append"

Determines if the previous log information is maintainedor overwritten.


This parameter must be specified only in addition to the log” parameter on the same line.

This parameter is applicable only if the CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP log is stored to a file that is specified explicitly with the "log" parameter.


set session log="log.txt" log_method="append"


TypeText string

If log rotation is enabled, the log_file_size parameter determines the log file size threshold at which the log is automatically rotated.

  • "unlimited" or "0" (default) - the feature is disabled
  • "default" - default size is used (4Mb)
  • <size>[KMG] - size of the current log file in bytes with additional multipliers:
    • K - Kilobyte - multiply by 1024

    • M - Megabyte - multiply by 1024*1024

    • G - Gigabyte - multiply by 1024*1024*1024


set session log_file_size="default"
set session log_file_size=10M

(warning) Minimum LOG File size is 64K, maximum is 1G. Setting a size less then 64K effectively makes the LOG File log file size unlimited.


TypeText string
  • "default" - default value, 7 days. This value is used even if the "log_rotation_period" is not specified.
  • "daily" or "1"
  • "weekly" or "7"
  • "never" or "0"
  • <N> - in N days

If the rotation log mode is enabled, this parameter controls switching to the next log file based on a period of time passed. If enabled, the switching to the next log file appears occurs at midnight.


set session log_rotation_period="weekly"

set session log_rotation_period=14


TypeText string

Specifies if repeated messages should be filtered or not. Possible values are "on" (default) and "off".

If the value is "on", immediately following messages with the same identifier and system error code are not listed in the log , but they are counted. When a different log message is generated, the repeat count of the earlier log message is reported with the entry "The previous message has been repeated N times." , and the counter is cleared.


set session log_repeat_filter="on"


Parameterlicense_key_id[N], N=0 or 1

An integer (decimal Sentinel Key ID) that specifies the regular (N=0) and backup (N=1) license keys to be used by CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDPthe CHARON VM.

set session license_key_id[0]=1877752571
set session license_key_id[1]=354850588

It is also possible to specify both regular and backup keys in one line:

set session license_key_id[0]=1877752571 license_key_id[1]=354850588

Based on the presence of the regular and/or backup license key IDs in the configuration file, CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP behaves as follows:

  1. No keys are specified
    CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP performs an unqualified search for any suitable key. If no key is found, CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP exitsthe CHARON VM stops.

  2. Both keys are specified
    CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP performs a qualified search for a regular license key. If it is not found, CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP performs a qualified search for backup license key. If it is not found, CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP exitsthe CHARON VM stops.

  3. Only regular key is specified
    CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP performs a qualified search for a regular license key. If it is not found, CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP performs an unqualified search for any suitable key. If none are found, CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP exitsthe CHARON VM stops.

  4. Only backup key is specified
    CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP performs an unqualified search for any suitable key. If no key is found, CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP exitsthe CHARON VM stops.


TypeText string

Overrides any initial process affinity mask provided by the host operating system. Once specified it binds the running instance of the emulator to particular host CPUs.

Used for soft partitioning of the host CPU resources and/or for isolating host CPUs for other applications.

By default the CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP emulator instance allocates as many host CPUs as possible. The “affinity” parameter overrides that and allows explicit specification on which host CPU the instance must run on.


The "affinity" parameter defines the total number of host CPUs to be used both for emulated VAX CPUs and for CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP application the CHARON VM itself (including the CPUs to be used for I/O - they are controlled by the "n_of_io_cpus" parameter described below).

Host CPUs are enumerated as a comma separated list of host system assigned CPU numbers:

set session affinity="0, 2, 4, 6"



This parameter specifies how many host CPUs CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP must use for I/O handling. Use of the “affinity” parameter may limit the number of CPUs available.

By default the CHARON -VAX / CHARON-PDP instance VM reserves one third of all available host CPUs for I/O processing (round down, at least one). The “n_of_io_cpus” parameter overrides that by specifying the number of CHARON I/O CPUs explicitly.


set session n_of_io_cpus=2


TypeText String

In case the CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP license connection is not present when the guest starts up, this parameter specifies how many times CHARON-VAX / CHARON-PDP the CHARON VM will try to establish the connection and, optionally, a period of time between retries.


set session license_key_lookup_retry = "N [, T]"


  • N - Number of retries to look for license keys.
  • T - Time between retries in seconds. If not specified, 60 seconds are used

Example 1:

set session license_key_lookup_retry = 1

If the license key is not found during initial scan, do only one more attempt after 60 seconds is performed.

Example 2:

set session license_key_lookup_retry = "1,30"

Same as above but retry in 30 seconds.

Example 3:

set session license_key_lookup_retry = "3,10"

If the license key is not found during initial scan, do 3 more attempts waiting 10 seconds between them.

Example 4:

set session license_key_lookup_retry = "5"

If the license key is not found during the initial scan, do 5 more attempts waiting 60 seconds between them.
