The Charon-SSP VE license server License Server has a number of prerequisites:
- The VE license server package
- A suitable Linux cloud instance in a supported cloud environment to be used as the VE license server
- Correct firewall settings
- The VE-capable Charon-SSP emulator software running on a Charon host with appropriate network access to the VE License Serverlicense server
These items are described below.
VE License Server Package
The VE license server Charon-SSP VE License Server package is delivered as an RPM package. Stromasys or your Stromasys VAR will provide you with the software or a download link.
- Unless there is GUI access to the Charon-SSP host system, Charon Manager and Charon Director must be installed on a remote management system that will be used to configure and manage the Charon-SSP software. The Charon-SSP emulator software can also be run from the command-line, in which case Charon Manager and Director are not required.
- The Charon Agent package contains the RPM and Debian packages for the Charon Manager on Linux and a ZIP file for the Charon Manager on Microsoft Windows (charon-manager-ssp-<version>.zip).
- The Charon-SSP VE emulator software can run on the same system as the license server or on a separate system with appropriate network access to the VE License Server.