- Copying data using physical media, e.g., a tape drive, to transfer data between HP-UX running on Charon-HPA and another HP-UX sytemsystem.
- NFS: the HP-UX can mount a remote filesystem or a remote system can mount a filesystem exported by the guest HP-UX. Then data can be exchanged between the two systems.
- Filetransfer File transfer programs, e.g., sftp and scp.
- General backup and recovery programs in conjunction with a file transfer programmprogram, e.g., tar, cpio, pax, fbackup/frecover.
FTP can be used to transfer individual files. However, it is far more efficient to use it in conjunction with any STORE product that can store-to-disk, preferably compressed. Use FTP to transfer the resulting archive file(s) to the emulated HP3000 system and restore-from-disk to extract the contents. Restore-from-disk results in files being created with correct attributes and security settings which is not necessarily the case when transfering transferring individual files with FTP. This method does require enough free disk space on both systems to hold the store-to-disk archive file(s). If disk space is tight, individual accounts (or even groups) can be processed instead of storing the whole system.