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  • This line was added.
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Comment: typos, formatting


1Include the CDE fonts in the fontserver's cataloguecatalog.

Use a text editor to open the file


If not already there, append


to the end of the line beginning with

catalogue =

2Enable the automatic start of the fontserver at boot.

Use a text editor to open the file


If not already set, set the following variable to 1:


3(Re)start the fontserver.

# /sbin/init.d/xfs stop

# /sbin/init.d/xfs start

4Test if the fontserver responds to queries.

Enter the following command on the system running the X-Server:

$ fslsfonts -server -fn '-dt*' | head

This should produce output similar to the following:

Code Block


1Create a directory to store the additional fonts. 

For example:

# mkdir /usr/share/fonts/hp-fonts1

# mkdir /usr/share/fonts/hp-fonts2

2Copy the missing fonts from the HP-UX guest to the new directory. 

Example using the most likely missing fonts:

# cd /usr/share/fonts/hp-fonts1

# scp <hp-ux-ip>:/usr/lib/X11/fonts/hp_roman8/75dpi/* .

# cd /usr/share/fonts/hp-fonts2

# scp <hp-ux-ip>:/usr/dt/config/xfonts/C/* .

3Create an updated fonts.dir file.

For each newly created fonts directory execute the following command:

# cd <directory containing the fonts>

# mkfontdir

4Check if fontpath can be added to X-Server.

Assuming you run a graphical user session on Linux, use the following command to add a new font directory to your server (until next restart):

# xset fp+ <directory containing the fonts>

To display the fontpath of the currently used X-Server, use the following command:

# xset q

5Refresh the font cache.

Run the following command to refresh the font cache:

# fc-cache -fv

6Verify whether your X-Server finds the fonts.

Assuming you run a graphical user session on Linux, use the following command to query the X-Server for known fonts (using HP-UX fontnames as an example):

# xlsfonts -fn '-dt*' | head


1Start Xephyr.

Use local font directories:

$ Xephyr :20 -ac -screen 950x540 -query <hp-ux-guest-ip> \
  -fp <new-font-directory1>, <new-font-directory2>,...

Use fontserver:

$ Xephyr :20 -ac -screen 950x540 -query <hp-ux-guest-ip> \
  -fp tcp/


  • :20 - the DISPLAY variable is set to :20
  • -ac - no access control to the X-Server
  • -screen - the dimensions of the X-display
  • -query - requests an XDMCP session from the HP-UX guest
  • -fp - add the local fontpath for HP fonts or a fontserver

For more information refer to the man-pages of your Linux system.

2A CDE login window will appear in the Xephyr window.
